The Top 5 Most Haunted Spots in Oregon

Oregon is my home state and it is beautiful beyond compare. Known for its wonderful outdoor activities, lush forests, fruitful streams, campgrounds, snowy mountains, and lumber not to be compared with anyone else’s trees, it is definitely that place to relax and enjoy nature. It makes one think, with all that beauty can there be another side to it as well? No one talks abouts this part of Oregon. There’s got to be something in those deep lush forests, on top of those snowy mountains, or in those cold blue seas. Oregon has a rich history and with that comes those stories of disaster and tragedy. With nature comes great responsibility and danger. So, in the home state of Bigfoot sightings we tell our stories. These sightings are nothing to laugh at and for those who have witnessed them there is no turning back. After reading about these top five haunted spots in Oregon I dare you to step into Oregon’s woods and ever feel safe again.

5) White Eagle Cafe And Saloon: Portland

This old tavern and whorehouse has a rich history that reaches all the way into 1899. At that time white prostitutes were kept on the second floor and African-American women were kept on the first floor. There was a Chinese bouncer there that kept the peace, he disappeared one night while working and was never seen again. There was also a boy named Sam who was taken on by the housekeeper at the age of 10 and following his death in the 1930s his room was sealed with all his original things inside. As far as sightings go, they are specifically on the second story and in the basement. There are objects flying out of nowhere, groping hands, ancient coins appearing on the floor and apparitions that are supposedly tear shaped. There is a presence that walks from the bar to restroom and flushes the toilet. Yes, they did try to replace the old toilet with a new one….it did not solve the problem. The cries of a woman can be clearly heard on the second floor. When investigated the women was seen in the room from the window in a glowing presence. Needless to say, the room has been shut for 13 years. Recently a waitress fell down the stairs. She said she was pushed twice and when the owner ran down after her they found that a mop bucket had been thrown down after them. If you’re looking for some peace and quiet on your stay in Portland….this is probably not the right place for you.

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4) Oregon Shakespearian Festival Theater: Ashland

From this Shakespearian Festival which is one of the top of its kind in the nation we expect ghosts. After all, Shakespeare’s plays are filled with them and many actors have taken the stage here. First, there is the ghost of a lady who appears on the third floor of the Elizabethan Playhouse and is said to sing madrigals almost every night. Then it is said that the ghost of Charles Laughton appeared at a 1963 performance of “King Lear.” He had always wanted to perform in “King Lear” at the Shakespearian Festival but died before he could perform. At the next performance a strange vibrating sound moved from the audience to the stage. He has been reported on the third floor of the said theater. Theater and a haunting all in one evening, nothing better.

3) Yaquina Bay Lighthouse: Newport

This three story lighthouse is haunted by the murdered sea captain Evan MacClure of the ship “Moncton.” It was a whaling ship and he was cast adrift in a rowing boat by his crew in the winter of 1874. He was never seen again and no knows what happened to the captain. The eerie thing is that this ghost does not stay put. On the contrary, he actually roams to nearby taverns and homes. He is said to be a red haired ghost with a skeleton face. The story is that he actually told a housewife that he was just looking for a place to stay and someone to join him. Scarier still, shortly after his death a group of girls were picnicking near the lighthouse when a girl (nameless) from the group went in the lighthouse to get a forgotten object a scream was heard, and when her friends ran to her rescue there was no friend to be seen. She vanished forever. For the next 120 odd years both the captain and the little girl in the white dress have been seen at the lighthouse. There are many lighthouse hauntings in Oregon but this seems to be the one with the most sightings yet.

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2) Oregon Vortex: Gold Hill

There has always been something quite wrong and distorted with this land since the very beginning. Native Americans deemed it the “Forbidden Hill” and white settlers in 1864 all believed that there was something wrong with the area. The Native Americans said that it was a place that their horses would not go into. A Scottish physicist named John Litster came in 1914 and spent the rest of his life studying the aberrations in the light fields and gravity. In 1930 it became open to the public. The House of Mystery was a cabin that was used as an assay office during the gold mining days until it collapsed. The cortex draw is said to be right behind the building. One of the many effects is that photographs become distorted when take here. John Litster has been seen many a time on the sloping floor in the cabin laughing and plucking his eyebrows. He has been seen walking ahead of the tour many a-time.

1) Hot Lake Hotel: La Grande

Hot Lake Hotel is considered by many to be one of the scariest places hotel (Fox Family Channel has agreed). Hot Lake Hotel used to be a sanitarium and many of the former tenants are said to walk the halls many a night in this deserted resorts. Screams, playing pianos, and footsteps are some of the many sounds heard throughout the hotel. There is also a very large party going on the third floor, night after night. After being declared a spa in the 1930s a huge fire swept the place and all that is left is a brick building by a few small houses. Shortly after it was turned into an insane asylum and then to a restaurant. While there is no piano left in the place, it still plays. Old vacationers and a gardener who committed suicide are a few extra spirits to be seen visiting the place. If you decide to visit this place make sure that you have a grip on your sanity or you could become one of the dearly departed yourself.

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Oregon has its charming side. It’s the reason that a lot of the tourists come back year after year and what makes my family grateful to be here year after year. That being said, we are cautious when we approach empty buildings, the deep woods, or desolate areas. For who knows what history or energy the said area holds. After all, Oregon is a beautiful but mysterious place.

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