The Top 10 Most Dangerous Dogs

The phrase man’s best friend wasn’t created without a reason. For the most part canines are generally known to be very good pets and mild creatures. However just like with any other member of the animal kingdom there are those that will attack under the right circumstances. Here today we are gonna discuss the top 10 most dangerous dogs out there roaming the world. I’m not saying all the breeds mentioned in this article are bad to have around others but these are ones that can do some damage if provoked or raised improperly by the owners.

At the end of the article we will give the entire top 10 most dangerous dogs list. In the next couple paragraphs let’s discuss several of the breeds in detail and why they are on the list plus how that should impact owners or people looking to have those breeds as pets in the future. Just think of things like with people there are good and bad in every shape, color and age.

I’m sure most people looking for and reading this top 10 most dangerous dogs list were expecting to see boxers, dobermans, pit bulls and rottweilers. There are couple breeds that likely would surprise individuals and owners. The dalmation is one that would come as a surprise due to the way it’s commonly shown on television and in the movies. This isn’t implying that these dogs are a hazard to have around in general just that in the wrong situations they can be aggressive when trying to protect a loved one or homestead.

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The Presa Canario is another one that some people reading at home may find to be an interesting member of the top 10 most dangerous dogs countdown. It shouldn’t be a shock because they have been known over the years as being extremely protective with dominant instincts. In the past some have said that an attack from a Presa Canario means almost certain severe injuries or death due to the creatures pure power and demeanor. Anybody looking into raising these animals should take a good long look at the family surrounds and time that is able to be spent in training because it’s essential with this dangerous breed.

Studies have shown that from 1982 to 2006 about 74 percent of all attacks were by pit bulls, rottweilers and presa canarios either full or mixed bloods. I remember growing up as a kid and having to put down several unruly canines. We had two rottweilers that had to be put to sleep because they bit or attacked neighbors when they got loose or out of the house. And both were really good dogs just for whatever reason they felt intimidated and the need to protect themselves in each situation. So without any other chatter I give you the top 10 most dangerous dogs list.

10. Dalmation
9. Boxer
8. Alaskan Malamutes
7. Chow Chow
6. Doberman Pinscher
5. Presa Canario
4. Huskies
3. German Shepard
2. Rottweiler
1. Pit Bull

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