The Ten Best Transformers Episodes

The Transformers movie is here so I was feeling a little nostalgic. I decided to whip out my DVDs of Transformers and watch some of the classic episodes. As I was watching the first two seasons of Transformers I decided I would write an article on the ten best episodes of Transformers.

10. Triple Takeover
Triple Takeover stars one of my favorite characters, Blitzwing. Normally it is Starscream that tries to take over leadership of the Decepticons but this time both Blitzwing and Astrotrain come up with ideas to lead the Decepticons. The best part of the episode is that Blitzwing doesn’t know much about strategy in battle so he kidnaps someone he think is a master strategist, the local football coach.

9. Microbots
Some of the great Transformers moments are when giant robots are put in the same situation as humans. In the episode called Microbots Megatron has gained an object called the Heart of Cybertron that makes him pretty much unbeatable. The night before their planned attack on the Autobots, the Decepticons have a celebration and actually get drunk. It’s quite humorous to see a bunch of robots raising energon cubes like glasses and clanging them together and then start stumbling around like drunks.

8. The Gambler
The Gambler episode of Transformers is another episode that takes the Transformers out of their usual element. A gambler, who then sells their services to a mogul that runs a casino, captures the Autobots. The owner of the casino then uses the Transformers to fight his own monsters but he rigs the fights so that he’ll make a lot of money on the fights.

7. Traitor
I’ve said in a couple of Transformers articles now that Mirage is one of my favorite Transformers so any episode about him is good in my book. In the episode Traitor one of the Autobots accuses Mirage of being a traitor. When Mirage is accused of being a traitor he tries to show his worth by sneaking off to try and defeat the Decepticons. The Autobot that accused Mirage follows him and thinks he is sneaking off to rendezvous with the Decepticons. There is a huge fight, Mirage proves he is a good guy and they all live happily ever after.

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6. War of the Dinobots
In this episode the Decepticons are tired of getting their butts kicked by the Dinobots so they attack the Dinobots one weakness, their intelligence. Megatron convinces Grimlock that he should be the leader of the Autobots. This starts a rebellion by the Dinobots against the other Autobots. The Autobots then decide to build two new Dinobots in order to counteract the Dinobots that turned against them.

5. More Than Meets The Eyes
The More Than Meets The Eyes story in Transformers is actually a three-part story. It’s the first three episodes of the show and tells the origin of the Transformers. I also love this story because in the end the Decepticons have all the energon cubes they need to go back to Cybertron but their ship is destroyed but not by that spotlight hogging Optimus Prime. No, the Decepticons are all defeated by the much cooler Mirage.

4. Starscream’s Brigade
Finally the day is here. Starscream leaves the Decepticons and starts his own army. Starscream creates a group of combiners (those are the Transformers that have five parts combine into one giant Transformer) called the Bruticons. Starscream’s Bruticons go toe to toe with Megatron’s Constructicons and defeat them. Unfortunately Megatron also has the Stunticons up his sleeve too. Three combiner Transformers in one episode? Just crazy.

3. Enter the Nightbird
After the Transformers creators struck it rich with Transformer Dinobots it was clear they were going to make a Transformer version of anything kids thought was cool. So it was only a matter of time before there was a ninja robot. The Ninja robot was very formidable, as it should be, and was able to fight all the Autobots by itself. It was also very stealthy which is pretty unique for a 15 feet tall robot. The only bad part of the episode is when the creator of the ninja robot says, “this ninja robot wasn’t made for killing or assassination.” What else do ninjas do? Did you make a ninja robot to cook for you? Or maybe it will fetch the morning newspaper or something.

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2. S. O. S. Dinobots
When Michael Crichton wrote Jurassic Park he totally ripped off this episode of Transformers. The Transformers discover dinosaur fossils in their hideout and are immediately interested in dinosaurs, as we all are. After going to a museum the Transformers want to make dinosaurs, just like in Jurassic Park, only robots like the rest of the Transformers. There is even one nay-sayer in the group but nobody listens to him. Instead they make the Dinobots, Transformers that transform into dinosaurs. The Dinobots go haywire and wreak havoc on the Transformers’ base. It’s just like Jurassic Park except nobody gets eaten on a toilet.

1. Heavy Metal War
Not many things can beat out robot dinosaurs but we see it in this episode. The episode starts with the introduction of the Constructicons, a group of Decepticons that are construction vehicles. They seem pretty harmless, for now. Megatron cooks up a great plan. Megatron will challenge Optimus Prime to a one on one fight and the loser and his side has to leave Earth forever. Megatron will take the power chips from all the other Decepticons so he has all their powers and can easily defeat Optimus Prime. The only way for the Autobots to discover Megatron was cheating is the computer at their base, so while Megatron and Optimus Prime are fighting the Constructicons sneak into the Autobot base to destroy their computer.

Little did the Decepticons know that the Autobots would leave the mighty Dinobots behind to guard the base. The Dinobots, being the most powerful Transformers we’ve seen so far, start to demolish the Constructicons. Then the leader of the Constructicons says to transform to phase one. Phase one? What does that mean? We find out very soon that there is a phase two. Phase two of the Constructicons is when all five of them combine into one giant, monstrous Transformer. This giant beats even the Dinobots easily.