The Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder 2

Symptoms of Bipolar 2

There are clear and diverse symptoms for in each stage of bipolar disorder 2. The low stage is called the depression phase while the upper phase is called manic. I will discuss these stages in further detail as this article progresses.

In the depression phase, a bipolar disorder patient will feel an overwhelming feeling of sadness that they cannot overcome. They may resort to their beds for longer periods and efforts to try to sleep away the sadness rarely works.

Forgetting to eat may also appear to be the problem and may explain unexpected weight loss. They are not forgetting to eat; they simply have no appetite and do not care to eat even if it is healthy to eat.

The bipolar disorder two patients may seem unenergetic and want to do nothing that they usually do. They feel they are worthless and that they cannot not accomplish anything. That is what makes the depression phase so hard for them to deal with.

The depressed phase of bipolar disorder 2 will cause the patient to feel very undeserving of everything within their lives. It is important that the patient have a good support system in place. In the depression phase, it is very important to keep talking and not be a recluse. Support systems can be family or friends, a forum out people who understand to such as other bipolar disorder to patients, bipolar disorder 2 chat rooms or local groups that your primary doctor has recommended.

Mania phase symptoms in bipolar disorder 2

In the mania phase, the bipolar disorder 2 patient may experience delusions of grandeur, hallucinations and will feel as if he or she can accomplish anything no matter how dangerous that idea is. In addition, in this mania phase there is a decreased need for sleep and the patient may not sleep for days until he or she finally crashes from exhaustion.

See also  Living with Atypical Depression

In the manic phase it is possible to have tons of energy and one may feel as if he or she can accomplish anything. Although their ideas may seem like perfectly workable solutions to them, the rest of the world can easily see that these ideas are very far-fetched and not put together to well.

The bipolar disorder patient will not feel the need to sleep, and this tends to be one of the more creative periods. In this mania stage, my husband would write these long drawn out poems and songs that he hoped to publish someday, as he felt they were wonderful.

I am not bipolar person, I could not really see the rhythm or the rhyme in any of these poems or lyrics and they look more like ramblings to me. This happens sometimes when he was in the hypomania stages and not the average mania phase.


Personal experience as a spouse of a bipolar patient

Mental health today web site

Bipolar world