The Symbolic Qualities of Different Varities of Trees

Every day we pass by signs and meanings that go unnoticed. This is a compiled list of twenty four trees and the meanings associated with them.

1. Apple Tree
The Apple Tree is symbolic of magic, youth,beauty, and happiness. It serves as a reminder to savor our childhood and to always remain a child at heart. It reminds us to appreciate the beauty and magic in life as well as to live a life filled with happiness.

2. Ash Tree
The ash tree is symbolic of sacrifice, sensitivity and higher wisdom. It reminds us of the sacrifices that may or may not be necessary to reach a higher understanding of the purpose of our life.

3. Aspen Tree
The aspen tree is symbolic of determination and overcoming fears and doubts. This tree serves as a reminder that with determination we can overcome and rise above anything no matter what is holding us back or telling us we cannot.

4. Beech Tree
The beech tree is symbolic of tolerance, past knowledge, and softens over criticism. This tree serves as a reminder to acquire the wisdom in our minds and never to underestimate the power of patience and tolerance. Through tolerance we can learn things that previously we never would have known.

5. Birch Tree
The Birch Tree is symbolic of new beginnings, cleansing of the past, and vision quests. This tree serves as a reminder to appreciate and acknowledge the end of a chapter in our lives and the opening of a new one. It teaches us to absolve ourselves of the guilt and regrets of our past and to welcome our future with open arms.

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6. Cedar Tree
The Cedar Tree is symbolic of healing, cleansing, and protection. It can be used to cleanse a new home or apartment from bad memories or auras associated with it. It can add a whole different feeling to the home.

7. Cherry Tree
The Cherry Tree is symbolic of rebirth, death, and new awakenings. It is a reminder of the cycle of life that both humans and animals must pass through.

8. Cypress Tree
The cypress tree is symbolic of the role of sacrifice. It is a constant reminder that sacrifices always must be made to reach what we achieve. It also reminds us that our sacrifices are always paid back to us in the end.

9. Elder Tree
The elder tree is symbolic of birth, death, and the fairy realm. It reminds us to be aware of what surrounds us at all times and to make the most of every day.

10. Hawthorne Tree
The hawthorne tree is symbolic of fertility, creativity, and magic. It reminds us to express our creativity through whatever means appeals to us and to never forget the magic surrounding art.

11. Hazel Tree
The hazel tree is symbolic of hidden wisdom and divination. It reminds us that we can find knowledge and wisdom in everything we do. We are constantly learning and we need to retain and apply our new knowledge daily.

12. Heather Tree
The heather tree is symbolic of healing from within, immortality, and initiation. This tree reminds us that we can heal ourselves from our own energy and that the power we hold within ourselves is immeasurable.

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13. Holly
Holly is symbolic of protection, overcoming anger, and spiritual warrior. It reminds us that we do not need to get angry and fight to defend ourselves, but instead we can find protection elsewhere.

14. Honeysuckle
Honeysuckle is symbolic of learning from the past, discrimination, and change. It shows us that change is not always negative, and through learning from our experiences the change will be more powerful and life changing.

15. Lilac
Lilac is symbolic of spiritualization and true beauty. It reminds us to look inside of ourselves for beauty and that beauty is not just external.

16. Maple Tree
The Maple Tree is symbolic of balance and promise. It reminds us to keep balance in our lives and to not let ourselves get carried away.

17. Oak Tree
The oak tree is symbolic of strength, endurance, and helpfulness. It reminds us that we build strength through endurance and that we are never alone there is always help somewhere around us.

18. Orange Tree
The Orange Tree is symbolic of the clarity of emotions and the release of trauma. This tree reminds us to not hold inside the painful memories of our past but instead to release them, acknowledge our emotions, and move forward with our lives.

19. Palm Tree
The Palm Tree is symbolic of protection, peace, and opportunity. This tree reminds us to find peace within ourselves and our lives and through this peace new opportunities and experiences will unfold.

20. Pine Tree
The pine tree is symbolic of the balance of pain and emotions and creativity. This reminds us to use all of our emotions in our art of in a creative way and not only is it a good release of those bottled up emotions but it makes our art more worthwhile.

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21. Spruce Tree
The spruce tree is symbolic of new realizations and healing. This tree reminds us that through analytical thought we are able to work through issues in our lives and heal ourselves.

22. Sycamore Tree
The sycamore tree is symbolic of communication, love, and learning to receive. This tree reminds us of what is needed in a relationship to make it thrive and stay strong for years to come. It is the balancing of love and communication needed for a strong relationship.

23. Walnut Tree
The walnut tree is symbolic of following a unique path and easing transitions. This tree reminds us to do things our way, that is what will truly make you happy and make your life worthwhile. There is no path that needs to be followed instead create your own.

24. Willow Tree
The willow tree is symbolic of magic, healing, inner vision and dreams. This tree reminds us to never under estimate the power of our dreams and the impact that they have on our lives.