The Secret War Against the Girl Scouts of America

Elizabeth Dole, Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, Sandra Day O’Connor – these are only a handful of the successful women who have claimed the title of Girl Scout. But, did you know they are part of a plot to subvert the innocence of millions of American girls? No longer satisfied to mold young women into successful, self-confident women, the Girl Scouts are in the business of indoctrinating its members into godless, abortion-loving, lesbian feminists.

The Girl Scouts have been caught in a culture war. Just as the Boy Scouts have come under fire for excluding atheists and homosexuals from their ranks, the Girl Scouts are under fire for their inclusiveness. They do not ban people for their religious beliefs, their sexual orientation,or even their gender identity. A hundred-years-old in 2012, the Girl Scouts have a mission statement which says: “Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.” What could be better than encouraging young girls to be strong and tolerant human beings? A lot, according to those who see immorality and danger everywhere. The furor was at a fever pitch last year, but a recent Facebook post shows the controversy is not going away.

One accusation popping up on social media alleges God has been removed from the Girl Scout oath. God was not removed. The Girl Scouts, in order to include all religious faiths, allow its members to substitute the word “God” with another word according to their beliefs. An opportunity to earn a “My Promise, My Faith” pin is offered to scouts.

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The Girl Scouts are also accused of pushing sex education and pro-choice views on the girls. In fact, the national organization remains neutral on these issues, preferring to leave it to the local troops and parents to decide what to teach their girls. According to one website, the money from Girl Scout cookie sales goes to “… promote pro-abortion, pro-promiscuity, pro-gay-lesbian, liberal SPEAKERS AND ENTERTAINERS…. ” (Caps are theirs). Speakers like Katie Couric – because she encouraged girls to not waste their brain power on mindless things. Seriously. Marlee Matlin and many other successful entertainers and businesswomen made the “radical” list.

In a letter to fellow Indiana House members last year, Rep. Bob Morris wrote, “…I challenge each of you to examine these matters… before you extend your name and your reputation to endorse a group that has been subverted in the name of liberal progressive politics and the destruction of traditional American family values.” Whose traditional family values? What value could be more important than to raise morally strong, responsible young people?

The Girl Scouts is a fun, educational group. It encourages community involvement, love of country, and cooperation with all people. The Girl Scouts encourage positive self-identity, and promotes science, math and other technology to young women. It has encouraged leadership in 59 million girls over the last hundred years, and hopefully will reach millions more for hundreds of years more.
