The Secret to Getting a Better Credit Rating Easily

It is almost impossible to survive financially without a good credit rating. Let’s face it we as Americans spend more then we make and we get in trouble. Too many of us are in a one income household barley making ends meet so we end up skipping a bill one month to pay something else, and well that is a fact of life.

Its a fact of my life anyways, but it seems as if that is all I can do presently. I wish I had the money to pay every thing every month but that is so not the case. Perhaps someday it will be a girl can dream can’t she?

You see these web sites on the net promising to help you get triple A credit within a certain time frame. Does this work? I don’t know simply because I don’t have the money to gamble with I need to use the money I make at my regular job ands the money I make here as Associated Content wisely.

A friend sat me down.

A kind and well meaning friend sat me down one day and gave me a heart to heart money talk. What he told me made sense but I didn’t see how these ideas would work to help me. He told me I could have a triple A credit rating within a few months and I thought he was crazy. I bring home just enough to keep my head out of the proverbial water and survive being a single mom paying all the bills.

I know when you have no money at all and your assets are all frozen because of debt (bankrupt), no bank or other lending institution will lend you a penny. I think that creating a credit rating where you can eventually borrow almost unlimited sums would be darn near impossible, given what I have know from my 20 years of being an adult here in the real world..

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In fact, with no cash at all, it is almost impossible. However a small amount is needed to try and unbury yourself from the mess you have created. He went on to further explain in detail giving examples of how I could do this as well.

The plan

He said to gather what I could sell from around the house and try to raise at least 1000, of which I’d put half in a high interest savings account and the other 500 dollars into my regular savings. I am thinking if I had a car that would work, but I don’t. I have a house that I can not afford to do a second mortgage on and since I’ve never had much money to begin with I don’t have a lot of high priced items to sell.

He went on to say that after that money is in the high interest savings account for a week, to go ahead back to my bank and get a loan for 500 dollars. I went on to say when I was with the ex husband we had a car repossessed and I have 20,000 dollars in student loans still to pay off. No bank is going to loan anything to me. He told me how I was wrong.

He said if I could get a secured loan by telling the bank to put a hold on the 500 dollars I had put in the high interest savings account. This way they would get their money back in case I couldn’t make any payments. This made sense to me and the bank already said they would do that a few years ago with 500 dollars which was just sitting in my regular savings account. The difference this time would be that it was a high interest baring account and not my regular savings account. The ex-husband who also spends money like it was water was also gone so I didn’t see how it would hurt to try this one again.

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He went on to say that once I had borrowed 500 dollars in hand to go do the same thing at another bank, first put it in a high interest savings account and then a week later to borrow the 500 dollars. That didn’t seem completely legal to me because I was not using my 500 dollars here it was the 500 dollars I had borrowed. He said it was legal because I had taken out the loan for it and by signing the loan papers I was making my self responsible for it.

He said to use that 500 dollars I had put into my original saving account to pay for the loans and the interest would be mine after I paid off the loans in the high interest savings accounts. I understand what he is saying but I still have doubts because it does seem too simple to be true.

If this was so easy wouldn’t everyone be doing it? I thought but maybe not, perhaps no one else does it because they have not thought about doing it. What if I did the process of getting these 500 dollars dollar loans in a few more banks and using it to open the high interest savings accounts at a few banks?

If I do it at only the original 2 banks that’s 2 positive ratings on my credit rating. If I did it at 4 that would be 4 positive marks on my credit rating, hey this is sounding good. In my way of thinking, the more positives on my credit rating the better.

The reality

However I can not afford the repayment on 4 bank loans when I am really just treading water here, I can do this at one bank but not 4 of them. Some one could get into serious trouble by doing this at so many banks. I think a huge accomplishment would be to get one loan and pay it off and begin the process of rebuilding my credit slowly yet wisely.

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So my plan is to raise the 1,000 and toss half of it into a high interest savings baring account and then get 1 loan at the same bank and begin making payments on that loan with the 500 dollars in my other savings account.

That way I am not taking money out of my children’s mouths yet I am still rebuilding my credit slowly, which is better for me. I’ll have one more good rating on my credit report and that is a good start.

I’ll also be rebuilding my credit and I feel if I can show my bank that I am trustworthy by repaying that first loan on time, every time then perhaps in a few months I can pull another loan to buy a nice used car with.

Once I get a good credit rating there is one thing for sure, I will never have another credit card, debit cards are the way to go. I know some people say why have good credit ratings if you don’t want credit cards and that is simple.

A good credit rating can help you get a good job, it shows employers that you are trustworthy and all employers want that. I want a good job, one that allows me to live a bit more comfortably.