The Red Hot Chili Peppers — the Last Great Rock Band?

It seems as if they’ve been around forever; releasing hit record after hit record, decade after decade. It’s now been 30 years that the Red Hot Chili Peppers have been tearing up the music scene. They have grown musically and professionally, year after year. They started out as a group a knuckle-head kids and have grown into…well…adult-knuckle-head kids.

Even musically the band has grown. In their early years, their “punk-rock-funk” sound combined with their high-energy stage act propelled them to stardom. Today their music is much more radio friendly, written with professionalism, and a completely different, modern sound that not only keeps their loyal fans, but attracts new ones as well.

1983: the year they started. Well, I was born in 1985, and it is pretty crazy to think that these guys have been doing it for longer than I have been alive; well they have, and they have barely slowed down. Even member changes and drug abuse haven’t stopped this mammoth act. Album after album has produced hits.

However, this “old fashioned” rock band style is almost extinct.

Besides, today’s music business just isn’t made for long sustaining rock acts. Singles dominate the industry in every genre. Record labels don’t put time, money or effort into developing a rock band. Their mentality is: Who can get me a hit and make money right now.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers are one of the last remaining, longest-sustaining rock bands.

Music today isn’t about making music; it’s about making money. The Red Hot Chili Peppers were just one of the last rock bands that could do both.

See also  Top Ten Songs by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Now don’t get me wrong, singers and solo acts today can have very long, successful careers, but that is due to a lower risk. The solo artist’s individual image can be controlled much more easily (i.e., Adele, Beyonce, etc.).

So let’s think about it… what other great rock bands are still making new music today? Anyone from the ’90s? No one as big as the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

In conclusion, I hope I’m wrong. Great bands will hopefully make a comeback when Top 40 radio gets tired of the same old computer produced, low-risk music. Come on, how many times can Ke$ha sing about the same thing?

So long as the Red Hot Chili Peppers are entering their 30th year of existence, think about this: They’re the last great rock band.
