The Real Mayo Clinic Diet

Each year the dieticians at the Mayo Clinic receive hundreds of letters, emails, and phone calls about all the websites on the internet that have articles on the Mayo Clinic diet on them. Not unusual so far, but these sites offer diets that are not at all similar to the original Mayo Clinic diet.

These sites make promises for weight loss by eating a limited choice of foods, all under the name of the Mayo Clinic. The truth is these diets are not even endorsed by the Mayo Clinic. Dieticians at the Mayo Clinic say that these “mythical” versions of the Mayo Clinic diet have existed since the 1940s.

One version of the Mayo Clinic diet is the idea that grapefruit has the ability to burn fat. Therefore, while eating foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates along with the grapefruit, you will lose the weight. The grapefruit is supposed to burn the fat.

Health experts state that there is no ingredient in a grapefruit that qualifies it to be able to burn fat. The experts also state that eating low carb foods high in fat is not healthy for very long periods of time. You may lose some weight, but it will only be temporary.

The original Mayo Clinic diet is more like a healthy approach to life rather than an actual diet.

This Mayo Clinic diet encourages total body health. In other words, not only should you take the time to eat the proper foods to loose weight, you also need to exercise and set goals to maintain a positive attitude toward your new lifestyle.

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Some suggestions to help you set start with your Mayo Clinic diet are listed below. Your food should be:
* Whole grain carbohydrates
* Lean protein such as legumes, fish and low fat dairy products
* Fresh fruits and vegetable
* Canned fruits paced in water or juice and drained are okay

Increase your activity and exercise routine if you need to. When you are physically active, you are burning the calories you have eaten. Your activity does not have to be elaborate; just include it in your daily routine. Here are some examples.
* House cleaning
* Bed making
* Going shopping
* Mowing the lawn
* Working in your garden
* Going for walks
* Riding bicycle
* Dance at home to your favorite music

Set new lifestyle goals realistically. You may fall off the bandwagon a few times, but pick yourself up and go again. One place to start is to exchange your high fat snack food for fruits and vegetables. If you change gradually, then you will have better success. In this way you will not be so overwhelmed by all your do’s and don’ts.

If you have not exercised in a while, start off slowly. Listen to your body. If it is telling you to slow down for a while, you need to do just that. Each day or week, you can do a little more to build up your routine. Do not feel like you have to go out and enter a triathlon right away.

If or when you start feeling like you just cannot do all this, stop and assess your accomplishments up to that point. You may be surprised at how far you have come. Take the time to feel proud of yourself. Treat yourself every now and then to anything that will encourage you to continue.

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If you incorporate the principles of Mayo Clinic diet in your daily routine, you will experience a much healthier and happier lifestyle. Good luck.