The Opening Ceremony of Vancouver – My Favourite Moment

Throughout the history of sports and athletics, athletes have sought for glory and the spectators have cheered on the impossible. Even from the birth of Athens, Greece. The Olympics was a serious and completive spectacle in those times. Over the span of time, civilizations have evolved and they adopted the idea of competition. This is still present to this day, as were starting off the 2012 Olympic Games. Even though some events have been removed over periods of time, the Olympics is still the pinnacle in creating new records, achieving new feats, and capturing the glory for the athlete’s home country. I only started to watch the Olympics in 2010, simply because the winter games were being held in Canada. As a Canadian, I am always proud of what we have done, and the moments that I remember, due to our accomplishments. Today, I will be sharing my favorite moment in the Olympics. Here is my favorite moment of the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver, British Columbia.

It was an early Friday evening and I just pulled into my driveway. It was the night of the opening ceremony of the 2010 Winter Games, and my two sons were sitting on the couch. They were waiting for me; they wanted everybody to watch the opening ceremony. Even though I was a proud Canadian, I felt the urge to go straight to bed. They persuaded me to stay up and watch it, and I did not regret it at all. The opening ceremony started off with Johnny Lyall, a Canadian snowboarder. A video was showing Lyall riding down a mountain, and through a set of shaped torches that resembled a Maple Leaf. As I was watching him on tv this, I knew that the Opening ceremony would something different. After the video ended, Lyall flies through the Olympic rings and he started off the ceremony. James and Nick were both excited when Lyall flew through the rings; my sons loved the opening ceremony. From there, the national anthem was sung and the ceremony continued.

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There might have been some other moments I could have chosen from, but I decided that the opening ceremony was the greatest moment in the Olympics. It was my favorite because it showed the true potential and culture of Canada. Weeks before it began, my friends from work were excited and worried about the Olympics being held in Canada. Many people thought that Canada was a country that was friendly and forgiving, but was able to quickly stumble and mess up. The Opening Ceremony proved that they were wrong, and the Ceremony enlightened the hearts of all Canadians. It showed that we were capable of shocking the world, and that we were capable of doing anything, if we put our mind to it.

Want to relive the Opening Ceremony? Watch it on Youtube!

2010 Olympic Games – Opening Ceremony – Vancouver, BC:

What is your favorite Olympic moment? Comment below!
