The Neat Sheet Ground Cover

Every time I go to the beach I am always bringing a blanket to sit on so I can enjoy lying in the sun and having lunch with my friends. However, the blanket sometimes seems to collect the sand and absorb the water from the beach sand and it then becomes no longer fun to sit, lay, or have lunch on. Recently I did a little searching for a beach blanket that was water proof and repelled beach sand, but was still comfortable and easy to carry to the beach and I found one. It is called, “The Neat Sheet Ground Cover.”

The Neat Sheet Ground Cover comes in two sizes which are 90 by 114 inches and 57 by 77 inches. The Neat Sheet Ground Cover is made with heavy duty materials that repel water, beach sand, and the heat so you’re Neat Sheet Ground Cover stays nice and cool in the hot sun on a hot summer day. This great ground cover is also very light and easy to carry and can be packed in a backpack or in your vehicle to have something to have on your to sit on just in case you stop somewhere and want something comfortable to sit on that is soft like cotton. Other things you can use The Neat Sheet Ground Cover for are covering new furniture that you are bring home in a truck, as camp ground covering, as an exercise mat, or as cover from the rain so you don’t get wet. There are so many possible use for The Neat Sheet Ground Cover and I would recommend everyone to have one because they do come in handy for just about any outdoor or indoor purpose.

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Now if you’re Neat Sheet Ground Cover does get dirty you can toss it in the wash and get it clean again, but do not use detergent because it can destroy it. If you have to use a little bleach to help get it clean again. Then after your done washing it, it is not recommend that you toss it into the drier because it might damage your Neat Sheet Ground Cover. So, I would recommend that you hang it outside on the line to dry or spread out on your lawn to dry. One more thing you have to be careful of with your Neat Sheet Ground Cover is not to iron it. Ironing your Neat Sheet Ground Cover with cause it damage so stay away from that iron and any other really hot things above 190 degrees.

The Neat Sheet Ground Cover cost around fifteen dollars and it can be bought online at both and Other stores you might be able to find The Neat Sheet Ground Cover at are Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart, BJ’s, Sam’s Club, and some of your local drugstores such as Wal-Greens, Rite Aid, and CVS Pharmacy. A few more other places online you might be able to find The Neat Sheet Ground Cover will be,, and

I know those of you who end up purchasing The Neat Sheet Ground Cover for the beach, picnic, or any other particular use will be very satisfied with your purchase because The Neat Sheet Ground Cover truly works great. However, if you still are wondering what The Neat Sheet Ground Cover is and would like some more information on it I would highly recommend checking out the links attached to this article. I hope all of you who get The Neat Sheet Ground Cover have a wonderful time at the beach free of sand and water.

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