The Mother’s Sonnet: A Poem for that Special Woman

My mother was on top of the world at the age of nineteen.

Two years later, she would give birth to me, and her life changed. She sacrificed her time and her career to raise me, and raise me right. I asked her once if she ever had any regrets, and logically, as any loving mother, she said “No.” Deep inside me, though, I can’t help but realize how different things would be if I hadn’t been. My mother could’ve been a great artist, accepted into one of the most prestigious art academies in all of Europe, only to have me interrupt all her plans.

But she kept me.

With Mother’s Day, I always knew saying “Thank You”, no matter how sincere, was never quite enough. As I grew older and became more involved with theatre and writing, I took to poetry to express how I felt using what I knew best to display emotion: the written word.

With that said, I have written a poem for all of those girls, boys, women and men out there who are not as comfortable with pen and paper to give to their mothers as a gift this coming Mother’s Day. Feel free to use it how you want, when you want. Just remember that your mother will always love you. You are her greatest gift and treasure, and in turn, she will always be yours.

Happy Mother’s Day to All.

The Mother’s Sonnet

Such loving Mother I cannot appraise
To paint in words of oil your portrait.
Happy and beaming like the Springtime days,
To you flowers, their splendor, do forfeit.
You gave me life and meaning, sweet mother,
A gift I can never repay in full,
Yet a gift given unto each other,
For you have me, and I, grateful, have you.
Your wise, faultless eyes are a warming sight
That do bring life to the blossoms of Spring,
And call upon the morning sun at night:
May your Mother’s Day be sweet and blessing.
Yet how my words of you justice do lack,
Your humbling love does my verses surpass.