The Many Uses for a Quesadilla Maker

Are you looking for a way to make quick meals at home? Are you sick of having to come home from a busy day and spend over half an hour preparing your dinner? Well, I have the answer for you. Get a quesadilla maker from one of your local discount stores such as Target, Walmart, or Kmart. You will find it’s a very useful piece of kitchen equipment. My wife thought it would just sit on the shelf like a lot of my other kitchen gadgets, but she has come around to agreeing with me.

Of course the easiest item to make in a quesadilla maker is a cheese quesadilla. You just put one tortilla down, put the cheese on top, put the other tortilla on top of it. Then close the quesadilla maker and less than five minutes you have your cheese quesadilla! Maybe though some of you out there would like something a little more substantial for a meal? Well, your quesadilla is great for grilled ham and cheese. Instead of using bread, just use tortillas. You can add your ham on top of the first tortilla, then the cheese of your choice, and again layer the second tortilla and close the quesadilla maker. Five minutes later you have your grilled ham and cheese quesadilla.

Are you feeling more in the mood for pizza? Again, you make it the same way but add some pizza sauce on the first tortilla, any toppings you want, and the cheese. Still in the Italian mood, but more leaning towards a cheesesteak sub? Well that’s easy as well, make it the same way you would your pizza quesadilla but add steak and any toppings you want on your sub and again after 5 minutes or less your sub is ready on tortillas instead of a roll so it’s a few less calories as well!

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Are you tired of coming up with ideas of what to do with meats you have as leftovers from dinners during the week? Or more pointedly, are you tired of throwing away meat you don’t use therefore wasting your money? Well, if you have chicken, beef, steak, pork, etc you can turn it into a quesadilla. How about taking some of that leftover chicken, shredding it, put it in a sandwich bag and shake it with some buffalo wing sauce. Then put that on top of the tortilla in your quesadilla maker add some cheese and you have a buffalo chicken quesadilla with that leftover chicken. Guess what, you can also make desserts if you wish.

Yes, that’s correct, you can use your quesadilla maker to make desserts. Take a tortilla and put it on the quesadilla maker. Then put a small amount of pie filling on the tortilla and cover it with the other tortilla. Less than five minutes later you have a quesadilla fruit pie, top it with some powdered sugar or cinnamon if you wish and dessert is served.

You can find quesadilla makers these days easily for $20 and if you look hard during sales you might even get it for $10. That is definitely worth the cost with how much it can simplify your meals for you.