The Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls State Park is one of the most vital tourist spots in whole of the USA. The Niagara River flowing in high rapids jumps down by about 175 feet giving us the most remarkable view of the fall. We had been to Niagara Falls during the last weekend of July 4th. We stayed for two nights at Niagara Falls and enjoyed most of the rides available there. One of the most important rides is “The maid of the mist” that takes us all to the base of the Niagara fall for a very close view of both American side, Bridal Veil and the Canadian side horse shoe fall. This is the ride that is enjoyed by almost all the visitors/tourists here at Niagara fall. I have compiled a brief review on this ride.

The ride begins from the prospect point, which is very close to the visitor’s center from the base of the observation tower. The ride operates from 10am to 8pm during summer. As there is a very heavy rush during the summer season, it is advisable to buy the full passport for the main six rides, which are most common. This passport is very economical and convenient as you will not be required to buy tickets at all rides separately. If you buy the ticket for “The maid of the mist” separately, it costs $12 per adult and $7 for a child between 6 and 12 years. The children below 5 years of age are allowed free of cost. You have to enter the ride entrance after buying the tickets that lead to the elevators, which takes all the tourists at the bottom of the fall. There are two elevators, having capacity of around 50 people each that takes to the bottom within 25 seconds. Once you have reached at the base, You can enjoy the view of the base of the Bridal Veil fall on American side.

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Once you reach at the bottom of the falls, you have to collect your plastic rain jacket, blue in color, which is required to be worn to protect from heavy spray of water of the fall. You will then be taken to a boat, named “The maid of the mist”. The boat is having two floors, lower deck and the upper deck. Each trip has a capacity of around 120 people. If you happen to enter in to the boat early, please occupy the place in the extreme front at the lower floor or at the top floor extreme end facing the fall. This would give you a closer and nice view of the fall. The boat will start moving towards the horse shoe fall via American side falls. Keep your camera ready to take the most valuable pictures of your life from the closest vicinity of the Niagara fall. The boat will soon enter into the frothing water and very soon everything will be covered in the mist. You will feel as if you have entered in to the paradise. The water mist shall spray and will make you all wet. The boat is taken very close to the base of the fall, hardly few feet away from the actual fall of the water. The boat will stop at this point for about 10 minutes and these ten minutes shall be the most memorable experience of your life. You can take photos or enjoy the closeness to the fall. The boat will commence its return journey back to the dock. The entire round trip takes around 30 minutes. Take lot of care while getting down from the boat to avoid slipping due to the wet floor of the boat. You can take off your rain jacket now. You may drop the rain jacket or can take with you as a souvenir of your trip to Niagara fall.

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This ride is really the best of all the rides available at the Niagara fall as it gives the opportunity to have a very close view of both American and Canadian sides of the fall. As soon as you come out of the boat, do not forget to climb up the stairs ahead of the dock. These stairs will take you very close to the water fall and you can reach the falling water just by extending your hands. You will really be soaked in the water but will surely enjoy the thunderous falling water. If you have little kids with you, make sure to carry a spare pair of the clothes for change to protect them from probable attack of cold.

If you get the opportunity to visit the Niagara fall this summer, make sure that you take this ride to enjoy the closeness of the fall waters.