The Iron Triangle

The environment has always been of high concern to everyone. It is no wonder than many of agencies then are concerned about the stability of the environment, and having their say in the regulations that are enforced. Environmental policy is maintained consistently by an iron triangle involving three main aspects. First, the three sides of the iron triangle and how they achieve their policy goals. Second, are the impacts of the iron triangle on the democratic process. Last, how it is ensured that these agencies follow the legislative intent set by Congress.

First, the three sides of the iron triangle are in general, interest groups, Congress, and the bureaucracy. In the case of the environmental triangle, interest groups can be environment activists, or those representing large businesses. They influence the decisions of congress, as representatives of large and powerful businesses, or as concerned activists with money towards their cause. They also have influence in the bureaucracy by exchanging favors. Congress is consistent, and votes on what they believe will be best for their local districts. Congress gathers this information from those in the bureaucracy, or interest groups representing groups of people. Finally, the bureaucracy would be administrations involved in energy consumption, and agencies like the Environmental protection agency. They enforce the decisions of congress which are often vague, giving them room to choose how they achieve the goals set for them.

Second, the results of the iron triangle on the democratic process have been many. Perhaps the largest and most noticeable is that of alliances between certain groups at ends of the triangle. Specific interest groups will forge tight bonds with key members of congress, and agencies in the bureaucracy will work with interest groups and congress to receive minimal backlash from the implementation of their policies. At the same time working to expand their own power within the informal limits set. Each branch has become more powerful while at the same time, not disturbing the other branches as often, because of the exchanges in favors and compromises reached. A result of this is it becomes hard for new interest groups to have a say, or for a president or anyone really to change how the policies are implemented and the process it goes through to get passed. In short, change becomes three times as difficult because it involves three branches.

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Last, Congress maintains the most power in the iron triangle, as it controls the bureaucracy agencies and monitors the intent of its processes. Congress has ultimate power over the bureaucracy in that it can destroy or create new branches at will with simple legislation. Another way Congress can control the bureaucracy is the method of funding. Agencies in the bureaucracy are required to annually be evaluated and receive new amounts of funding for that year, so it becomes in an agencies best interest to maintain the favor of Congress. While the standards congress sets on the bureaucracy are vague and often open, if they are not carried out according to expectation, Congress can exterminate the agency quickly, which is further motivation for agencies in the bureaucracy to do what they are told, they exist in a line of power, ultimately giving Congress the power of enforcement and decision making.

The environment has always been of high concern to everyone. The iron triangles associated with the environment become very important to pass new policies and examine existing policies, as the environment affects everyone alike. There are many ways to examine the functions of this triangle. First, the three sides of the triangle and how they interact and ally to achieve their policy goals. Second, are the results of the iron triangle on the legislative process as a whole. Last, how Congress ensures that these agencies maintain subordinate, and inferior to itself.