The Health Benefits of Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang is such a sweet-smelling essential oil. As soon as I open up the bottle, I can smell the floral scent. Instantly, I am relaxed and at peace. However, relaxation isn’t the only benefit of this charming oil.

Ylang Ylang (cananga odorata) is often used for anxiety and depression. Yet, I have learned of its other uses. This oil can be used for high blood pressure and palpitations. This was a complete shock to me, but at the same time it makes a lot of sense. The relaxing effect that it had on me made me feel as though every part of me was at peace and tranquil – mind, body, and spirit. (Source: Wikipedia)

Ylang Ylang is steam distilled to capture the best for the essential oil. It is a flower actually that grows on the Cananga tree. The scent reminds you of jasmine and rose oil to a certain degree – all of which are very calming and pleasant to smell. Ylang Ylang is definitely one essential oil that would work wonders in your home if you use an aromatherapy diffuser. (Source: Wikipedia)

Ylang Ylang is available in the form of incense sticks and cones as well. You can find this oil for as little as $7.00 on wholesale herbal sites or as high as $20.00 depending upon where you buy it locally or online and the brand name is a factor on price as well.

This oil will last you a long time because not much is needed, especially if you’ve purchased the 100% pure essential Ylang Ylang oil that is not blended with any other essential or carrier oils.

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For maximum benefit of this beautifully smelling oil, I recommend using it in bathwater. I use anywhere from 2 to 4 drops of it. To reiterate, you don’t need much of this oil to get the full benefit of its healing properties and intoxicating aroma. Another way to use this oil is to put some drops in a diffuser and allow the scent to permeate the room. For a good night’s sleep, try placing a drop or two on the pillow.

In addition, Ylang Ylang oil is great for clearing and balancing the Sacral Chakra, which is located at the lower abdomen area. The Sacral Chakra governs the lower abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs. I recommend taking a small drop of the oil onto the palm of your hand. Then, rub your hands together. Hold them up to your face and gently inhale the scent while visualizing your Sacral Chakra wheel spinning steadily in a clockwise motion in a bright orange color. Then, place your hands (left over right) on your lower abdomen area sending the healing energy of the essential oil directly to the chakra. (Source: The Chakra Deck by Olivia Miller)

Ylang Ylang is an amazing essential oil. Even the pronunciation of this oil is controversial. From the sources I’ve used, I found that Ylang Ylang is pronounced (ee-lang ee-lang). You should definitely try this wonderful essential oil to help relax you and calm any stress levels in your life that may be affecting your blood pressure.

Of course, please be sure to use caution when using any alternative healing method.