The Grapefruit Diet – Fad or Not?

People are continually searching for the perfect diet, and the fad market once again delivers, by introducing the Grapefruit Diet. The Grapefruit Diet consists of eating a lot of grapefruit, drinking unlimited amounts of black coffee, and indulging in the odd piece of toast. The basics of the Grapefruit Diet involve that anyhow. The Grapefruit Diet has supporters that stand on both sides of the line — is the Grapefruit Diet a fad diet or not?

In the 80’s, the Grapefruit Diet was the biggest thing for anyone battling their weight. It very quickly became the “in” thing to do, and fast rose to the ranks of ‘popular’ among most dieters at that time. Those that followed the Grapefruit Diet, most likely were not aware of the health benefits, if any, that were received from the actually taking part in it and following it to the letter, but were merely following the latest dieting trend. Even back then, not many dietitians or doctors for that matter actually supported the increasingly popular fad. They felt that the Grapefruit Diet simply encouraged people to become obsessed with food as being a magical way to lose weight. In all actuality, the Grapefruit Diet is not a healthy way of eating.

The Grapefruit Diet implies that certain foods eaten in a certain combination along with grapefruit, encourages weight loss in your body. The health benefits from following the Grapefruit Diet, come mainly from eating the grapefruit, but the other foods on the Grapefruit Diet are high in fat and do not maintain a properly balanced diet. This only adds to your problem of excess weight instead of burning it. The Grapefruit Diet is really a glorified fad diet.

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Following the Grapefruit Diet rigidly will not necessarily result in weight loss that you are attempting. You may lose a small amount of weight on the Grapefruit Diet, but it will mostly be water weight. Unless you substitute your own diet for the Grapefruit Diet food list, your daily diet will not be healthy.

As with any other diet, getting the proper amount of exercise is imperative. This is not only true on the Grapefruit Diet, but as a normal part of your daily life. Exercise is what helps our body’s burn calories, build our muscles, and keep our health in good standing. Those that choose to follow fad diets are not only harming themselves, but they are aiding in harming others by spreading the word about fad diets like the Grapefruit Diet.

If you are considering trying out the Grapefruit Diet, you may want to research it and find out as much information as you are able to find out. Thoroughly investigate all the articles you can find about the Grapefruit Diet, to better understand what it is you are risking. Not being fully aware of the risks involved, may ultimately end in your health being compromised. Consult your doctor, dietitian, or other health care practitioner, and get sound medical advice on whether or not you should try this or any other diet. You only get one body — take the best care of it you possibly can.