The Ghosts of Bruce and Brandon Lee Reside in Seattle, Washington

For years Bruce Lee dealt with rumor of his death, despite being alive and well, and for some reason it followed him for most of his latter years. Born in America in 1940, he had worked hard to become a martial arts expert, and soon would become one of the most famous that the world had ever seen. False reports became so rampant, that when Lee passed in July of 1973, there were many skeptics that it had actually occurred. What did happen though is that Lee slipped into a coma one night, and died due to a swelling of the brain. The final note on his death certificate ended up being “Death by misadventure”, due to the belief that aspirin may have worked against him. Those are the facts, but so much mystery surrounds why this happened, and whether foul play was involved that it has made its place in history as a story that goes beyond the grave, with some people still believing that Lee is either alive or cursed.

Nobody expected that the Lee “curse” would continue, but while filming a movie in 1993, Bruce Lee’s son Brandon Bruce Lee, was the victim of a gun-shot wound while on the set. Instead of blanks, a squib was left in the chamber of the gun, and it was shot into the abdomen of Lee, who fell to the floor immediately. Though the shooting was ruled an accident, he too became a story of lore that has gone down in Hollywood history. The set of that film was The Crow, and surely would have put Brandon Lee on the track to stardom. Instead, he found himself being buried next to his father in the same Seattle, Washington cemetery. The legacy of both men runs deep, and will forever be a dark side to the Hollywood story that will always continue to breed rumors of what exactly happened to both men. Each man is entitled to their own opinion, and it could be that there is much more to this mystery that has become common knowledge.

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Just a few minutes away from downtown Seattle, sits Lake View Cemetery on Capitol Hill. Some of the original settlers to the city reside there, including chiefs of the land and a Princess just to name a few. Now both Bruce Lee and son Brandon Lee find themselves buried in the same location, high above the water, with a great view out over the water. A great place to find your final resting place, but it is heavily debated whether or not either of these men have found peace in death. Rumors abound that their deaths were both planned and nefarious, and this is one place that you probably don’t want to find yourself after dark.

Lake View Cemetery is located at 1554 15th Ave. East in Seattle, Washington. It is open daily from 9am to 6pm for visitors.