The First Three Months of Pregnancy – How Difficult Are They Really?

How you are able to cope with your first few months of pregnancy really does vary on an individual basis. So I decided to get a few expecting moms together to compare notes, and see how difficult the first three months of pregnancy really are. What I did was have about four expectant moms meet for lunch to discuss the issue. One person was two months pregnant, another was five months pregnant, and two were about seven and eight months pregnant.

One thing that they all seemed to agree on was the fact that you usually don’t find out you is pregnant until you are in your second month. For one woman she did not find out she was pregnant until well after the third month. In her case she still got her monthly cycle as normal, therefore did not even think that some of the symptoms she was experiencing such as fatigue could possibly mean that she was pregnant. All except on of the expectant moms experienced severe morning sickness to. One woman had such severe morning sickness that she had to be hospitalized on several occasions for dehydration. When I asked them if their moms had similar experiences when they were pregnant they all agreed. I guess this means that you have a pretty good chance of experience very similar symptoms as your own mother did. This does not necessarily mean that you will, but it does mean that there is a pretty good chance of this occurring. Other than the morning sickness and some fatigue many of the women did not have any other serious issues.

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Obviously each person is very different and their experiences during their first few months of pregnancy will be very unique to each individual. I also found that all of the moms use this time to begin preparing for their new little bundle of joy. This was something that I did not expect to find since many women feel that the first few months are usually the months you spend worrying about miscarriages and other complications. The mothers that I spoke too all agreed that it is always better to think positively instead of thinking on the negative side. The bottom line is that the first three month of pregnancy can either be default physically or mentally it depends on the person. On thing that all women agreed upon was the fact that you need plenty of help and support especially during those first three months. The more support that you have the easier it is to cope when or if any difficulties arise. It’s also great to have helped if you are just too tired to get done what you need to do.