The Facts Behind Bodyweight Calisthenics

Bodyweight exercises have become a subject of enormous interest lately and I have noticed a lot of books and videos coming up on the subject. These exercises solely depend on the resistance offered by one’s bodyweight in different positions to condition and strengthen the body.

Well, bodyweight exercises or calisthenics as they are also called have been around for thousands for years and in some countries such as India and Greece were they were the main form of physical exercise for a very long time. Indian wrestlers solely depended on calisthenics exercises such as Hindu pushups and Hindu squats to develop their enormous strength and flexibility.

These exercises began losing some of their relevance only during the last century when the concept of weight training or pumping iron came into existence. Bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger , sportsmen such as Michael Jordan and actors such as Sylvester Stallone who mostly depended on gyms and weight training for developing their bodies were being viewed as the new fitness icons by the people. Naturally people began preferring weight training to such an extent that other forms of exercises such calisthenics, isometrics etc began to lose their appeal. During this period bodyweight exercises continued to be used but only in aerobics and drills.

People began to consider calisthenics as being fit only for warm ups before doing their weight training routines. Some physical trainers and sport enthusiasts also considered these exercises as being good for developing endurance only. In their opinion bodyweight calisthenics are of little use for increasing strength and muscular development.

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Things have begun to change lately and it has been proven scientifically that bodyweight calisthenics are not only excellent for increasing muscular endurance and strength but also for developing lean muscle which is the latest fad these days. In fact these exercises have several benefits when compared to weight training. Firstly calisthenics do not lead to muscle or joint injuries which are so common in weight training and therefore they are very safe. These exercises also lead to simultaneous development of body strength and lean muscularity as well as reduction of body fat where as weight training mostly concentrates on muscular development. One more big advantage with these exercises is that they can be performed anywhere, whether you are travelling or at your house and therefore no excuses for skipping workout sessions. With the costs of gym memberships going through the roof, bodyweight calisthenics provide an effective alternative for building fit bodies without burning a hole in our pockets.

Sport enthusiasts, often in awe of the sculpted and muscular bodies of gymnasts are shocked that most of them never touch a weight in their entire lives instead relying on their bodyweight to develop power and physique. Bodyweight exercises also aid in the development of Functional strength which is the strength used in day to day activities. Sports such as boxing, wrestling, martial arts, athletics also rely heavily on calisthenics. Therefore bodyweight exercises are an excellent choice for people wanting to build their strength and develop lean muscles without being overtly built.