The Easy 5 Step Eating Plan – Don’t Call This a Diet!


#1. First of all, they are lying when they say this is a diet; it is an eating plan!

You have to eat six meals a day, I mean, who has time to eat six times a day?
Everyone knows the only way to eat, is to have three huge meals, spaced well enough apart so that you are absolutely starving, and have to stuff yourself in order to feel full.

#2. All your favorite rings start to fall off your fingers.

You know which rings I mean, the ones that you simply cannot get off your fingers, because they will not budge. No amount of soap, Vaseline, lotion, or other lubricant can possibly get these rings off your fingers. They have been there for years. You plan your wardrobe around these rings, because they aren’t going anywhere.

After going on this eating plan, you’ll lose so much weight that when you talk about your fabulous weight-loss, gesticulating wildly to your friends for emphasis, your favorite ring will fly right off your hand.

At this point, you get to burn off more calories, while scrambling around in the bushes to look for your ring. Think about that spectacle!

#3. This eating plan is way too easy to follow.

Who wants a diet that works? Where is the fun in that? You don’t get to whine and moan and complain that your diet is failing, so that you can go right back to eating all the foods that you don’t want to give up (even though you know they are not good for you.)

#4. You end up giving up your guilty pleasures, voluntarily!

Remember in the good old days before you started on this eating plan? Anytime some little thing went wrong in your life, you would dash off to your favorite restaurant to drown your sorrows in steak and fries, ice cream sundaes, and rich frothy coffees.

Now, after being on your eating plan for only one year, and attaining several target weight losses, you dig into one of these dishes only to find that they taste horrible and make you somewhat queasy. If not outright sick to your stomach for a few days.

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After a few of these bouts, you can happily forgo what used to be your favorite junk foods. Imagine feeling no guilt for giving up these guilty pleasures.

#5. Your favorite pants threaten to desert you.

Suddenly without warning, your favorite pants threaten to desert you, while you are wearing them. While this sounds like great fun, it is in actuality, very frustrating.

Who has the time, the money or the energy to go shopping for new clothing? If you’re like me, you don’t wear belts, and buy pants with no belt loops.

Can you can see my quandary? After I lost the first 20 pounds, I played a continual game of Hitch-me-up with my pants. Is that cool? No, it is not cool to go around with your pants almost falling off, unless you are a teenager looking for a gang or a plumber.

#6. Those dreadful childhood nicknames that your family used to call you, now sound ridiculous!

Imagine you are attending one of those family seasonal get-togethers. You have just arrived after following The Easy 5 Step Eating Plan for a mere 12 months. You look fabulous and your family wants to know how you did it.

Before you can answer, up strides Uncle Bob ready to greet you with his usually jovial “How’s our plump princess?”

He stops dead in his tracks. His face wrinkles in confusion.

You look neither plump nor puffy, and he feels ridiculous! What will he call you now? Long tall Sally?

#7. You actually do start to eat like a bird!

After detoxifying for about a year, you are attracted to the most unusual foods. You crave salads with oil and vinegar dressings, you want more fresh, organic steamed vegetables.

And talk about fruit! Your neighbors (the ones who go to the all you can eat buffets and are 50 pounds overweight) will make fun of you because you are eating fruit.

#8. You begin to enjoy your brief, endorphin charged twenty minutes of walking a day!

#9. Your old friends will not like you.

Only those people who liked you because you shared the same weight problem will not be friends with you anymore. The positive people in your life will applaud your weight loss and lifestyle changes.

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#10. This eating plan will prove that before, the only things that stopped you from losing weight, were excuses.

Once you begin to lose weight, you’ll realize that all that time you spent making excuses, you were just wasting time.

Rather than admit that mistake (because no one else makes mistakes, only you), better to keep all that hard earned weight you have gained over the years. They are your pounds, your mistakes and your low self-esteem, no one can take them away. Except you.

The Easy 5 Step Eating Plan

1. On The Easy 5 Step Eating Plan, you won’t get hungry, because you eat breakfast within twenty minutes of rising, then eat about every three hours until bedtime.

The Easy 5 Step Eating Plan schedule looks like this:

300 calorie breakfast (Example: whole grain cereal, fruit, milk or juice),
100 calorie snack (fruit),
300 calorie lunch,
100 calorie snack (fruit or raw veggies),
400 calorie dinner,
100 calorie dessert.(small piece of chocolate cake)


Getting into the habit of eating fresh seasonal fruit will help hydrate your body, provide healthy roughage for digestion, and gives you a sweet snack without refined sugars.

Eat organic, fresh fruits and vegetables, and hormone free meat.

Eat diverse sources of protein including whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Complete proteins can be attained on a vegetarian diet, if you combine three out of the four vegetable protein groups listed above in a single meal.

2. Drink eight to twelve 8 oz. glasses of filtered water a day, this cleanses your liver and kidneys, aids in digestion and rinses toxins out of your body.

Here’s a tip on JUST EXACTLY HOW we are supposed to get these 64 ounces of water down our gullets!

If you work in an office, bring a plastic jug of water to work with you. (This is the trick….put the jug on your desk with a large glass.)

Every time you get tired or restless, fill your glass of water from the jug and drink away. At the end of the day, you will “see” how much water you drank. Being able to see the water level helps to remind you that you can always use another drink of water. Eventually, you end up emptying the jug every day.

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At home I use a beautiful see-through pitcher that holds 64 ounces. I place the pitcher near my favorite reading chair, which is located in a prominent room of the house. Whenever I see the pitcher with water left in it, I know it’s time to pour another glassful. By being able to gauge how much I’m drinking, I can tell if I’m reaching my “water mark.”

3. Don’t Do:

Avoid refined sugars, they are converted directly into fats such as cholesterol which builds up inside your body, causing degeneration of your liver, heart, muscles, kidneys and arteries. Instead, use honey or molasses as a sweetener.

Avoid foods you may be allergic to, dairy and wheat products being among the most prevalent. You can be tested for allergies by your doctor.

Avoid fast food, take-out food, undercooked food (such as eggs and meat), packaged and processed foods you can lighten the work load on your liver. This allows it more time to process and absorb the nutrients in your food.

Avoid breads with artificial chemicals and preservatives.

Avoid saturated or damaged fats, including margarine and/or butter as spreads on bread. Alternative spreads include fresh avocado, hummus, tahini, and olive oil.

4. Don’t measure calories, or weigh in to gauge your success. This defeats the purpose of The Easy 5 Step Eating Plan, which is to cleanse your liver, thereby rejuvenating your metabolism. After the first eight weeks on the diet, you have begun to lose weight naturally, because your liver is metabolizing fats correctly.

5. Don’t eat if you feel stressed or anxious, at these times the digestive system has effectively shut down and the food will not be digested properly. Instead, sip a cup of caffeine free tea with a little honey, this will give you a low calorie lift.