The Difficulties Teachers Endure and the Sacrifice’s They Make For Students

I have been teaching English over the past couple of years and have realized the difficulties that teachers face that many of us don’t even realize it. If you are a teacher you know what I mean. Perhaps if you one day want to become a teacher this article may help you be emotionally prepared for some things that you may not have thought of just yet.

Students see teachers many times as sort of the mean people who tell them what they are doing wrong all the time. Others find it uncomfortable being around there teachers because for some reason they think that maybe Mr. Math Teacher is sitting their thinking about how badly they did on their math exam. Now that may be true for some teachers, but not for very many. If you are a student and you are reading this, you may or may not be able to believe this but most teachers actually want their students to pass! For me as an English teacher one of the hardest things has actually been to tell students that they are not doing well.

Why is it hard for a teacher to have to tell a student they are failing? Well despite the common thought that teachers enjoy handing out papers with the big red “F” on it, most of them actually like their students. There are even a large amount of teachers who want to see their students succeed greatly in life. It may be difficult to believe, but many of those who train young people how to go into the world be survive outside the school walls have a heart.

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That’s right! A beating, pounding, feeling heart! Who would have thought? In fact, every teacher I’ve ever met has been a human being with real feelings that really can get hurt! This may come as a shock to those who aren’t teachers, but it is the shocking truth. Most teachers when they have to give out bad grades actually don’t feel good about it. Because giving out a bad grade could mean one of two things.

First of all it may mean that they are not teaching very well. They may feel like maybe they are bad teachers and are causing the students that they care so much about to not reach their full potential. Or perhaps they may feel like their students just don’t care and because of that will get nowhere in life. Since the teachers care about their students and the future of them, it is emotionally painful for them to see one who is indifferent.

So if you are a student, the next time you are going to school and you have to go into the class that you dislike the most, think about your teacher for a minute. He or she has chosen to dedicate their life to you! They could have been something else but they wanted to give you the best that they had in order to set you up for a better future. It’s the teacher’s sacrifice, they are the unrecognized heroes of society. So tell your teacher thanks, it’s the least they deserve.