The Dangers of Dog Inbreeding

My family had long awaited the day we would own a miniature Doberman pincher (min-pin). One day we stumbled upon an associate whose min-pin had just gave birth and was willing to allow us to have one. We excitedly took our new pet home, not knowing he was the result of inbreeding. This ended up causing a long list of complications that eventually led to the exhaustion of our pet. When we had brought him home, we didn’t know he was the result of inbred dogs, nor did we know the dangers of dog inbreeding.

What is Dog Inbreeding?

There are many reasons people choose to inbreed dogs, however sometimes it can happen by mistake. Inbred dogs are classified as those that have been bred with close members they are related to, such as father/daughter and mother/son breeding. Inbred dogs are often used to produce pedigrees and for other gains in the breed. However, even under the best intentions things can go wrong and there are many dangers associated with inbred dogs.

Dangers of Dog Inbreeding

Not only are inbred dogs susceptible to a limited gene pool, but a long list of possible health complications and deformities. One danger of dog inbreeding is extremely weak immune systems. This leaves the inbred dogs more likely to pickup infections and become seriously ill, as well as suffer from diseases. This can lead to costly vet bills, not to mention a miserable pet.

Other dangers of dog inbreeding include physical deformities. Dogs that are a result of inbreeding can have multiple deformities– from extra toes to missing limbs. Inbred dogs can suffer from bone and joint deformities, which can not only lead to serious health complications, but can severely limit their mobility and enjoyment of life. Other physical deformities are possible with dog inbreeding, such as muscles and tissue deformities.

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Inbreeding is a large cause of birth defects in dogs, whether the inbreeding is for pedigree purposes or occurs naturally. The puppies that have resulted from inbreeding stand a high chance of inheriting genetic conditions and mutations. This puts them at a high risk for not living a full life span.

If inbred dogs continue to reproduce, even if they are bred with a non related dog, the mutations and dangers of dog inbreeding continue to remain. These abnormalities and deformities can be passed down from generation to generation and have a chain like reaction though out that blood line.

Protecting Yourself

Sadly, even the most trusted breeder can easily lie about a dogs blood line. It’s very difficult to protect yourself from an inbred dog. A few simple things you can do to try and eliminate bringing home an inbred dog is spend time with the pet prior to bringing it home. Observe the dog physically. Look for any extra toes, or other physical abnormalities. Watch the dog run and play to make sure its mobility isn’t compromised. Also, pay attention to the dogs’ alertness level and vitality. Many inbred dogs have a loss of vigor and aren’t as active as those that are not inbred.

If by chance you should bring home a dog that is inbred just as my family had, remember it’s not the dogs fault. Whatever complications that dog has is a result of negligence or nature. Don’t be upset at your pet for something that was beyond their control.


“Pros and Cons of Inbreeding”

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