The Dangers of a Master Cleanse Diet

First of all , the Master Cleanse Diet was made to detox the system from poisons. The other purposes according to what I have read, have been to wash fats away from your system, help your complexion and overall skin health, and boost immunity. But as I read and as a true Weight Watcher’s advocate myself, I disagree with anything this diet does. That is because, it has been proven to be harmful.

This plan is one of those plans that I label as deprivation, there is no doubt about that. What you do is take lemon or lime juice as the first step and you mix it into water. You can stir some honey in it for sweetness. You have to do this on the plan for at least 10 days or more, like even for over one month. The diet claims that by doing this, you will no doubt clear up all of your ailments in every way from asthma problems, to allergies, hayfever and sinus troubles, and that your bad complexion will now be free from pimples etc.. You should also lose at least two pounds daily while you starve yourself on this plan.

Instead, this diet does the opposite of anything but health. For one thing, you are going to probably have diarrhea from a laxative effect when you are already starving enough. What happens to all of your electrolytes like potassium and sodium? Are you getting enough from just plain old lemons and water with a bit of honey? NO!! Your metabolism is going to scream at you, and rebel, shut down more than 90 percent likely I would say, and go anorexic.

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Next what can easily happen is that not only will metabolism rebel, but so will the liver, which is the mother organ after your heart and kidneys. Your liver will say, “Okay, I’ve had it, now let’s get rid of the glutathione we have on hand, shall we? Now, you must understand that your glutathione is what is part of your antioxidants stored by the liver to help you stay well. Without that, you begin becoming very unwell. I also want to tell you that the glutathione is the detoxifying agent.

Your blood also will become acified which makes sense since lemons are very acidic. The result of blood becoming acidic is metabolic acidosis. So beside the terrible laxative effects you are experiencing, you become light-headed, dizzy, nauseated, and vomit a lot. It is also not unusual for doctors to report dehydration of their patients coming into the emergency room who have been on this diet for a bit.

So, seeing all of these terrible consequences, why use it? You will no doubt instead end up with many problems from it, and even death can happen if the side effects are not treated promptly. Why not choose a sensible diet where you can eat plenty of healthy foods, lose weight more slowly, and learn to eat right while you are at it?