The Characteristics of a Character Assassin

The definition of a character assassin is one who attacks another with the intent to ruin their reputation. This kind of person is a cold, heartless killer of another’s character. Most of the time, this kind of behavior is the result of a narcissistic person who simply did not get their way or could not get their intended victim to do and/or see things their way. They decide that they need to be vindicated and seek the ultimate revenge: complete character assassination of their victim. The victim may be a spouse who decides to end the unhealthy marriage, a girlfriend or boyfriend who has had enough of their significant other’s possessiveness and jealousy, or an acquaintance or friend who did not give what the assassin intended to get out of the relationship. The assassin feels they have been wronged at no fault of their own. This person has no ability to reason or the logic it takes to understand the situation in a mature way. They are #1 and whoever has hurt them must pay. Look out. It’s going to get ugly.

The character assassin will use deliberate exaggeration or manipulation of facts to present an untrue, undesirable projection of the target. The assassin will spread rumors and give the wrong information about the victim relating to their morals, dignity, integrity, and reputation. The victim may end up rejected by their very own family and community. Sam, not his real name, began to assassinate his wife’s character by claiming to all who would listen that his wife was a drug addict, alcoholic, and pornography queen after their marriage crumbled. Although these claims were slander, this attack was very successful in the community in making his wife look bad. Unfortunately, many people believe the worst about someone because of the general sadistic nature that’s part of so many. These people find the embarrassment and disgrace of others entertaining.

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Other characteristics of the assassin include extreme paranoia, narcissism, obsessive behavior, stalking, and harassment of the victim. Sam was sure that everyone was talking about him all the time. How dare they! And if they weren’t talking about him then why in the world not? Contradictory behavior and speech is common. Sam spent all day coming up with new plans to ruin his victim. The assassin spends most of their time planning the next attack. Being that his job was so mundane, Sam was able to focus on the destruction of his wife. Sam also made sure to follow his wife around, take numerous pictures in an attempt to intimidate and embarrass her, and call her regularly to get angry and tell her she was lazy. The assassin is typically an emotional abuser. Spending time making fun of others, playing pranks to annoy, and otherwise demeaning those near to him make him feel better about himself.

The assassin needs an audience. In order to gain control of every situation possible in their concentrated efforts to destroy the victim, they use techniques to lure in disciples that will help them with their tasks. One of these techniques is the sympathy technique. They are able to lay it on thick when it comes to making others feel sorry for them. They are incessant whiners who look to those who are sensitive to them and naive. Another technique is brain washing. The assassin is capable of working on a person several years in advance from when they will be needed in order to obtain the disciple when they will benefit him. He is the proficient maestro of his scandalous orchestra. Two years prior to his assault on his wife, Sam befriended a woman close to his wife’s friend knowing well in advance that because she was close to the situation she would come in handy later during his wicked plot. Because this woman was gullible and eager for attention, she was just what Sam needed to formulate a part of his grand scheme. Sam groomed her with persuasion, false accusations against his target, and manipulation to get his disciple to sympathize with his cause, and she agreed to help him in any way she could for him to get revenge. It helps if disciples have low self-esteem, are dishonest, pessimistic, and pathetic. The assassin can then feel exalted and intelligent. If this person were to use their intelligence for the good of mankind there would be no telling of what wonderful things they could accomplish. Because of the destructive nature of this person, they are not capable of doing anything good with their life and will be eternally miserable, taking others who disgruntle them down with them. Disciples are doomed to unhappiness as well. After joining the ranks of the assassin and his cohorts, a disciple can not resign from their position. Doing this will lead to their ultimate character assassination. No one turns their back on the assassin without consequences, especially not his disciples.

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The victim will suffer the most. After the malicious attack, the victim is left to pick up the pieces of their lives. Sometimes this is an impossible task where they live and the victim, defeated and weak, has to leave her community and attempt to start over somewhere new. Beaten down and broken, the victim can have a difficult time trusting others in order to begin meaningful, new relationships. One’s view of the public can become averse, causing anxiety and distaste for social situations. Even a trip to the grocery store can be problematic to the emotional state of the victim. Depression is common after such a harmful assault. The fatigue and sadness can be debilitating. It takes a very strong person to withstand such a traumatic life event. Sam’s wife, Sheila, not her real name, is currently maintaining her self-respect and dignity the best she can in her community. Although it has been very difficult, Sheila is one of the strong. She claims that in time she will be able to regain control of her life. As for Sam, Sheila believes he will one day soon be all alone, aside from his disciples, as he is a villain and will always create his own sad existence.
