The Bloodhound Gang’s Top 10 Songs

10. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo – This is a cool song, but unfortunately it suffers from what other great bands get with some of their songs; overpopularity. Nirvana had it with Smells like Teen Spirit; KoRn had it with Twisted Transistor. Hell, Silverchair had it with Freak.
Nothing pisses a true fan off more than somebody naming a band as one of their favorites, but then they only know the one song. I don’t even bother mentioning I like the Bloodhound Gang to my friends anymore as they will say “oh yeah, I like ‘The Roof is on Fire’. That song is cool.”

I feel like saying “Fuck You, poser” to them whenever they do that.

9.Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn TissUTUTUT sounds like an innocent techno song at first, but when you actually listen to the lyrics I think you’ll get a rude surprise 😉

8.Along Comes Mary – Probably the only song that my mum would like by the Bloodhound Gang :P.

7.Nowhere Slow – This song amazes me because Jimmy Pop ( the lead singer) recites every American city the band has played in without stopping for breath (They’ve played in most US cities :O)

6.I’m the Least you Could do – Its crazy how he makes such a depressing sounding topic into such an up-beat song :S

5.Yellow Fever – Its cool because whenever I google the song and/or its lyrics I always get news reports about how racist the song is, when the band just intended it as a shock song; they aren’t racist 😛

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4.I Wish I was Queer so I Could get Chicks – ahahaha! Hmmm… I wonder if I could pick up chicks if I turned gay >.>…. No, I don’t think I’ll test that theory.

3.We are the Knuckleheads – A continuation of the… uh… “song” Rip Taylor is God, WatK is basically about how crude and disgusting the Bloodhound Gang wish they were 😛 LOL. “I Swear that girl in Jersey was 19”

2.Coo Coo Ca Choo – I never used to listen to Dingleberry Haze (the album CCCC is off of), but lately I have been listening to the songs on it and have found them to be totally awesome 😀

1. Screwing you on the beachSYotB is a song off the Bloodhound Gang’s newest single of the same name. It is awesome because it is really catchy, as one of my friends who has never even heard any Bloodhound Gang songs before said to me last night on MSN.