The Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation: Practice Problems and Solutions – Version 3.0

This section of sample problems and solutions is a part of The Actuary’s Free Study Guide for Exam 3F / Exam MFE, authored by Mr. Stolyarov.

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The Black-Scholes partial differential equation or Black-Scholes equation (as opposed to the Black-Scholes formula) is as follows:
rC(St) = (1/2)σ2St2Γt + rStt + θ

This equation holds for American and European call s and puts, but not at times when it is optimal to exercise the options early.

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The Black-Scholes equation has the following assumptions:

1. The underlying asset does not pay any dividends.

2. The option does not pay any dividends.

3. The interest rate and volatility are constant.

4. The stock moves one standard deviation over a small time interval.

Source: McDonald, R.L., Derivatives Markets (Second Edition), Addison Wesley, 2006, Ch. 13, pp. 429-430.

Meaning of variables:

St = stock price at time t.

C = call option price.

∆ = option delta.

Γ = option gamma.

θ = option theta

r = annual continuously compounded risk-free interest rate

σ = annual standard deviation of the stock price movement.

Original Practice Problems and Solutions from the Actuary’s Free Study Guide:

Problem BSPDF1. The stock of Company Ξ has a current price of $56 per share, and the standard deviation of its price is 0.34. A certain call option on this stock has a delta of 0.42, a gamma of 0.001, and a theta of -0.05. The annual continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 0.06. What is the price of this call option, as found using the Black-Scholes equation?

Solution BSPDF1. We use the formula rC(St) = (1/2)σ2St2Γt + rStt + θ, which we rearrange thus: C(St) = [(1/2)σ2St2Γt + rStt + θ]/r = [(1/2)0.3425620.001 + 0.06*56*0.42 – 0.05]/0.06 = C(56) = $25.70768

Problem BSPDF2. Assume that the Black-Scholes framework holds. The stock of Vicious Co. has a price of $93 per share, and the price has a standard deviation of 0.53. A certain call option on Vicious Co. stock has a price of $4, a delta of 0.53, and a gamma of 0.01. The annual continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 0.02. What is the theta for this call option?

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Solution BSPDF2. We use the formula rC(St) = (1/2)σ2St2Γt + rStt + θ, which we rearrange thus: θ = rC(St) – (1/2)σ2St2Γt – rStt. Thus, θ = 0.02*4 – (1/2)0.5329320.01- 0.02*93*0.53 =

θ = -13.0533205

Problem BSPDF3. Assume that the Black-Scholes framework holds. The price of the stock of Devious Co. has a standard deviation of 0.74. A certain call option on this stock has a price of $25, a delta of 0.29, a gamma of 0.02, and a theta of -0.04. The annual continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 0.08. What is the current price of one share of Devious Co. stock?

Solution BSPDF3. We use the formula rC(St) = (1/2)σ2St2Γt + rStt + θ, which we rearrange thus: 0 = (1/2)σ2St2Γt + rStt – (rC(St) – θ). We find that

rC(St) – θ = 0.08*25 + 0.04 = 2.04, (1/2)σ2Γt= (1/2)0.7420.02= 0.005476, and r∆t = 0.08*0.29 = 0.0232. We thus have the following equation:

0.005476St2 + 0.0232St – 2.04 = 0. By the quadratic formula, the relevant positive value of

St is St = $17.29872709

Problem BSPDF4. Assume that the Black-Scholes framework holds. The price of the stock of Imperious LLC is $516 per share and has a standard deviation of 0.22. A certain call option on this stock has a price of $67, a delta of 0.03, and a theta of -0.05. The annual continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 0.1. What is the gamma of this option?

Solution BSPDF4. We use the formula rC(St) = (1/2)σ2St2Γt + rStt + θ, which we rearrange thus: rC(St) – θ – rStt = (1/2)σ2St2Γt, so Γt = [(rC(St) – θ – rStt)/((1/2)σ2St2)] =

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[(0.1*67 + 0.05 – 0.1*516*0.03)/((1/2)0.2225162)] = 5.202/6443.3952 = Γt = 0.0008073383424

Problem BSPDF5. The stock of Obsequious Co. has a price of $40, and this price has a standard deviation of 0.43. A certain call option in this stock has a price of $5, a gamma of 0.0004, and a theta of -0.02. The annual continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 0.056. Find the delta of this call option.

Solution BSPDF5. We use the formula rC(St) = (1/2)σ2St2Γt + rStt + θ, which we rearrange thus: (rC(St) – θ – (1/2)σ2St2Γt)/rSt = ∆t

Thus, (rC(St) – θ – (1/2)σ2St2Γt)/(rSt) = (0.056*5 + 0.02 – (1/2)0.4324020.0004)/(0.056*40) =

t = 0.1075142857.

See other sections of The Actuary’s Free Study Guide for Exam 3F / Exam MFE.