The Best Reptile Pets for Kids

Kids have always craved pets, and parents have always contemplated whether their child is responsible enough for a pet. It’s practically a tautology. In recent years, though, the kinds of pets children can have has expanded immensely, and parents are no longer limited to biting hamsters, jittery rabbits, and peeing puppies. Reptiles can make excellent pets for kids. They’re generally lower maintenance than other pets and many of them can bond with their owners. While reptiles do carry some risk of salmonella with them, the risk is completely eliminated with good hand washing, so owning a reptile can be an excellent opportunity to teach your child good hygiene.

Though reptiles can make excellent pets for kids, it’s important to keep in mind that, as with any other pet, responsibility for their care will ultimately fall to the parents and parents need to be prepared to care for the animal if the child slacks off. Fortunately, in the case of reptiles, care needs are often much less taxing. If you’re considering a reptile for your child, here are the best choices for kids.

Leopard Geckos
Leopard geckos are often the beginner’s reptile of choice, and with good reason. They tend to be hearty and resistant to most diseases. They also don’t require a huge cage and can be easily tamed. Further, they’re small enough that their bites aren’t harmful or scary, and they come in a variety of beautifully eye catching colors. To learn more about leopard geckos as pets, click here.

Bearded Dragons
If your child is begging for a dog but you’re dreading the idea of housebreaking a puppy, a bearded dragon is about as close to a dog as a reptile can get. These lizards are highly social, bond strongly with their caretakers, and can be playful once they’ve gotten to know their owners. They’re also large enough to be walked on a leash and many bearded dragon owners let their lizards sit on the couch or hang out around the house with them. These lizards do need a very large enclosure, but if you’d like to spend a weekend building a cool house as a family project, a bearded dragon may be the perfect reptile for your kid. You can learn more about bearded dragons here.

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Fire Bellied Toads
If your child is a lover of frogs, fire bellied toads can make excellent pets. While their jumping can be difficult for very young children, with an older child a frog can be an excellent choice. These toads tend to be fairly hardy and require a relatively small enclosure, which can cut down on mess and expense. This site has an excellent write up on fire bellied toads.

California King Snake
Many parents shudder at the thought of keeping a snake in their house, but these small, friendly snakes can make excellent pets. They tend to move slowly, making them easy to hold, and are very unlikely to bite when handled properly. The only concern is keeping their enclosure secure so that they don’t escape. All snakes are escape artists, so a brick or something heavy will need to be placed on top of their cage. To learn more about these beautiful, social snakes, go here.
