The Best Places to Visit in London

My husband and I are planning a trip to London next summer to attend a friend’s wedding. Neither of us have been to London before and we are very excited to visit the city. Unfortunately, neither one of us know very much about the city or the best places tourist attractions in the city. So…I decided to do a little research on the most popular sights to see and places to visit in the city. My research is comprised of interviews with locals, research on the world wide web, and through several publicated sources. What I have found out is there is far more to see than I could ever imagine and tons of things to do. It looks like we might be staying a little longer than expected just so we can take it all in. Friendly faces, cozy pubs, jazz clubs, theaters, haunted places, historical landmarks and much more await you in London.

The London Bridge- An architectural masterpiece, and infamous historical bridge known world wide. Although the structure that stands today is not the same bridge that existed in the past…theLondon bridge has a long history that is ridden with ghosts of its past.

The London Tower- Also known as the bloody tower, it has a grim history that still haunts London today. Haunted tours are available to tourists who are feeling a bit adventurous.Scardey cats need not attend. The London Tower once imprisoned royalty and criminals alike. Beheadings were frequent and less grim than some of the other events that ocurred in the tower. Torture, and betrayal haunt the heights of the bloody tower. Some people say you can still hear the screams echoing from the bloody tower from time to time.

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Big Ben Clock Tower- The clock tower is a turret clock tower located at the north east corner of Parliment Houses. This Victorian structure is famous around the world and has been featured as a tourist location in numerous movies. The clock tower is famous because of its Victorian Gothic style. It is beautiful and fully functional 316 foot clock tower. This is a must see if you visit London!

Trafalgar Square- Rated number fourteen of all things to do in London, Trafalgar Square is the proud Victorian centre of London and was built to commemorate the British Naval victory of 1805 during the Napoleonic wars. The square is often full of pigeons and people. There are many shops and cafes along the square for shopping and dining. The atmosphere is supposed to be very friendly and warm. Trafalgar Square is the perfect place to soak up the London atmosphere and take in the sights of London.

Buckingham Palace- The palace is the officical home of the monarch of London. The palace is used for the entertainment of royalty and is visited frequently by the Heads of State. The Buckingham Palace is probably one of the most visited tourist spots in London. The Palace is rich with history and the landscape is breathtaking.

Houses of Parliment- Known as the Palace of Westminster, the Houses of Parliment is the home of two houses of the Parliment of the United Kingdom. The palace is located on the River Thames. The oldest part of the palace still exists today and stood on the grounds back in 1097 during the Middle Ages. The Parliments location was strategically beneficial during the middle ages due to its placement on the River Thames.

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London Cafes- London is a cultural experience and you can’t get the true experience of your visit to London unless you check out the local cafes and dining locations. The food and friendly atmosphere are something everyone visiting London needs to enjoy. Cafes are very popular around The Trafalgar square and throughout London. Most people in the city take taxis or walk through the city.

London Bars/Pubs-The pubs may not have the rich historical values that some of the buildings and architectural structures in London have, but they have something else that visitors desire. It is the true London atmosphere. The Pubs are quaint and friendly. The beer is flowing and even the locals are happy to meet with tourists and have a chat. The nightlife in London is rich and diverse with music, dancing, comedy shows and more. You simply must visit a pub or two while you stay in London. Have a beer and some fish and chips and take in the scenery.

Piccadilly Square- Is the heart of the theater district in London. It is also one of the main shopping areas in London. Most of the major sightseeing icons are within walking distance of Piccadilly Square. Entertainment is literally at your doorstep if you stay in this area of London.

I have only grazed the sightseeing potential in London. The city has a long history that dates back to the middle ages and it definitely has a story to tell. The city has endured deaths of Kings and Queens, worl war, and even the Black Plague. Some of the most monumental events in history changed the city , making it what it is today. London is architecturally magnificent, the locals are friendly, and the food and nightlife are amazing. If you are going to visit London…take your time and try to get the full experience of the city.