The Best Fitness Getaways in the US

Finding a good getaway these days is tough, especially if you are trying to get in shape or challenge yourself physically. There are however some getaways that are still geared toward providing you a challenging and entertaining vacation.

1. REI’s Baja Multi-Sport Adventure- This trip is not for the faint of heart. This vacation is more than a vacation with multiple sports, activities, and other adventures to go on. With a travel company that is geared toward physical sports and activities you can be sure to get the most out of your money and your body. This vacation package includes biking, hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, and much much more in Baja, Mexico. The cost of this trip depends on the number of individuals in your group but generally runs a few hundred per person. With a structured itinerary you can be sure that each and every moment of you vacation will be structured so that you can get the most out of what you are doing.

2. Crystal Seas Kayaking- This is for those that love watersports. Rather than being confined to a hotel room or being outdoors climbing mountains you can challenge yourself with kayaking. Kayak trips are great for those that are interested in challenging themselves both physically and mentally and for those that love to see the sights and sounds of the outdoors. Crystal Seas offers kayaking tours through several different areas including the everglades in Florida and Washington’s San Juan islands. These tours vary according to the number of people on your tour and you can get a personal quote by email.

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3. Real Adventures Rock Climbing Tours- These trips are for the most advanced fitness experts as they are incredibly challenging and can be a bit dangerous if you do not listen to your guides. Though these trips can be dangerous they can also be incredibly challenging and fun. Through Real Adventures you can acquire the services of a guide in southern Illinois where they are located. It costs around $60 a person for a guided rock climbing tour.

4. Ski Vacation- On you can build your own ski vacation. With a ski vacation you can both challenge yourself physically and find something for the kids to do all at the same time. This is the sort of vacation where you can find things to do that are both challenging and fun at the same time. Many ski vacations in the U.S. are based in Vermont, Colorado, or Utah. When you decide to plan your own ski vacation you should check for the best deals and if you can find a good deal you can expect to pay around $500 for a room for three nights.

5. Big Sky Yoga Retreat- This retreat is more for those individuals that prefer relaxed exercise. The Bozeman, Montana retreat is for both yoga enthusiasts and pairs the exercise with other activities. There are yoga and hiking retreats, yoga and skiing retreats, and other paired retreats. For this type of vacation you can expect to pay around $1200 per person but even though it is on the steeper end of the spectrum the experience is well worth it.

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Works Cited

REI’s Baja Multi-Sport Adventure

Crystal Seas Kayaking

Real Adventures Rock Climbing Tours

Ski Vacation

Big Sky Yoga Retreat