The Best Dog Breeds for Senior Citizens

Pets provide companionship for seniors and they relieve the boredom and feelings of helplessness that is oftentimes associated with older adults who live alone. Caring for a pet who needs a lot of exercise and grooming, is a great way for seniors to relieve boredom as well as provide an outlet for them to make friends while walking there pets. Tests have shown that having a pet can relieve stress, anxiety and even lower blood pressure. However when shopping for a pet an appropriate breed should be chosen. Be sure and do the research beforehand and base your decision on the type of lifestyle you lead. If your fairly sedentary you certainly would not choose a large dog who requires lots of exercise. On the other hand, if you’re a very active senior then a small lap dog probably wouldn’t be the ideal companion either. There are several small breeds of dogs, which by there size, weight, grooming and exercise needs, make them the perfect pets for seniors.

Pugs are sweet little dogs who thrive on there owners attention. They are very loving and affectionate, and oftentimes give more attention than they demand. They have large, very prominent eyes and a soft, easy to care for, short haired coat. the average weight is between 14-22 pounds, but some have been known to be heavier. They require very little grooming and make the ideal pet for sedentary seniors.

Schnauzers are small very energetic, spunky little intelligent balls of fur. They get along with other people, dogs and children. They are very territorial and make excellent watch dogs for seniors. They tend to have very happy personalities and require daily brushing and walking for exercise.

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Shih-Tzu’s are known for there sweet tempers and overwhelming friendliness. They make excellent inside dogs, but to avoid lots of grooming hassles there long flowing hair must be kept cut short. They require very little exercise and a daily walk will usually suffice.

Cocker Spaniels are very happy dogs and make excellent companions. They have long flowing coats which require daily brushing and need frequent exercise. Their weight can average anywhere from 22 to 28 pounds. They make excellent hunters as well as good watchdogs.

The American Eskimo Spitz pup was originally bred as a protector. They desire a close relationship with there owner and can make a perfect pet for seniors. They are smart, alert and learn tricks and commands easily, the Eskimo comes in 3 different sizes starting with the toy, which grows to 9″-12″ inches the miniature, between 12′-15′ inches and the standard which grows to 19″ tall. There average weight is around 30 pounds at maturity. They do require frequent grooming for there long coats and lots of exercise.

The pup chosen by more seniors than most other breeds, is the Chihuahua. These are very small, intelligent dogs who make wonderful companions for seniors because they tend to form a bond with there owners. They have frisky personalities and are very territorial and make excellent inside watchdogs. They are very easy to train, require little grooming and exercise.

The Pekinese is a beautiful, regal, long haired breed which require extensive grooming. They are graceful and loving, dignified and courageous, very loyal and protective of there owners. They have a very low need for exercise.

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The Maltese is another dog which has a long flowing coat that requires extensive grooming. They are very small weighing in at just under 6 pounds. They tend to shed a lot and require daily grooming. But they are loyal, loving and make excellent house companions for seniors.

Pomeranians are small, intelligent little balls of fur which weigh right at 7 pounds. There small size, intelligence and spunkiness make them the ideal pets for seniors.

Boston terriers have a natural guardian instinct and get along well with strangers and other pets. They are gentle, affectionate and are easily trained.

You might also consider several cross breeds which you will find are significantly less expensive than some of the pure bred breeds, but just as loving, affectionate, loyal and obedient. If you are currently in the market to buy a friend of the canine persuasion, there are many places you can start your search. The local shelter in your area would be a good place to begin. They have many breeds of dogs to choose from and have been vaccinated, checked for disease and are ready to find a good home. Also, check the want ads in local papers, place ads online, ask friends to recommend a good breeder in your area.

The most important element to consider is if your personality and that of the pet you have chosen, are similar. Which simply means if you prefer a set, quiet, sedentary lifestyle, then you should choose a small, affectionate pet, like the Chihuahua as your ideal companion. However, if you lead a very active lifestyle and desire an exercise partner, then a bigger or more energetic breed might be to your liking. Whatever your choice, just remember that the care of any pet requires commitment and dedication. Animals have feelings to and all of them deserve a happy, loving home. To find out more information visit