The Basics of Fishing for Small Mouth Bass

Like so many people who love to fish, I started out as a kid, encouraged by my father. We spent many hours trying to catch Small Mouth bass. Over time, we learned plenty about this fish. Much of this information about how to find and catch this often elusive fish could come in handy on your next fishing trip for bass.

Small Mouth Bass: basic information worth knowing before your fishing trip

According to info found on the site (,the Small Mouth bass is in the sunfish family, a fact I actually recall my father telling me years ago. To up your chances of catching a fair amount of these, keep in mind that spawning activity begins in the spring when water temperatures are at least 60 degrees or so. You won’t want to fish in the height of spawning season when the fish are preoccupied on their nests -not bait.

When it comes to size, these bass tend to vary widely. It isn’t impossible to find some as large as 69 centimeters. For photos of some larger specimens, check out the ones at wikipedia at Wouldn’t you love to catch some as large as these on your next fishing trip?

Small Mouth Bass: where you’re likely to find them on your fishing trip

Since the male both builds and guards the nest in relatively still and calm water, the nest is usually located near the shore but near quick protection. Even when not nesting, Small Mouth Bass usually like to be in colder but clearer waters and can often be found near protective cover such as rocks, slopes and even submerged logs or timbers.

Important tip: do not assume that you’ll always find largemouth and Small Mouth Bass in the same temperature waters. The Small Mouth prefers water temperature to be a bit cooler than that of the largemouth. If you keep this in mind, you’re likely to have a more successful fishing trip.

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Small Mouth Bass: feeding habits and lures which work best

Crayfish are often used successfully to lure Small Mouth bass and we actually have used live ones as bait, if they were available or we could catch some ahead of time. However Small Mouth bass will also eat some smaller fish such as shad, perch, minnow and even other bass. They’ll go after insects as well.

I’ll get to a favorite artificial lure later on, the DOA shrimp lure – but I’d suggest you try a variety of live and artificial lures before selecting those you favor. My personal favorite is the DOA shrimp lure. Others favor different artificial and natural lures, including crankbaits and spinner baits. If you take along a wide variety of live and artificial bait on your fishing trip, you’ll have some basis for comparison.

Even though I prefer an artificial lure, I believe my opinion is the minority one. Many anglers claim to be equally successful with sardines, squid and clams. So keep an open mind until you find the bait of choice for your fishing trip. Don’t ignore the color of lure, either. I’ve found that spinner baits can be most effective in all types of waters but I still prefer the DOA shrimp lure, when water conditions and visibility allow it to be used.

Small Mouth Bass: personality

This is where the fish really became a favorite for me. Naturally wary and even elusive, it was always a bit of a challenge to figure out how to find and catch a Small Mouth. Once hooked, this fish can put up quite a fight! If you make the mistake of trying to reel in this fish too quickly, you’re likely to lose it, a mistake I made more often than I like to admit. Patience is the key to reeling in the Small Mouth successfully. Remember this when you set out on your fishing trip and don’t assume that a relatively little fish can’t put up quite a battle. It can!

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Small Mouth Bass – favorite fishing tips

As with so many other types of angling, the details can make all the difference. If you are bass fishing in saltwater, try to fish during the prime season and during low tides. My father and I always preferred night fishing to other times (mainly because the water temperatures were more favorable then, in our opinion). Be sure you’ve checked on the state regulations and size limits for the area you are in. Consider booking an organized fishing trip your first few times out, if only to get the experience and wisdom of a seasoned angler.

Like other fish during spawning season, Small Mouths are often lethargic during spawning season, intent on protecting their nests. You can practically stick the bait in their mouths and they won’t strike!

Ironically, even though it can be a challenge to find the Small Mouth when it is ready to take bait, it often seems like a case of “all or nothing” . These fish tend to gather together. Once you’ve gotten past spawning season and get them to start taking bait reliably, you may find yourself getting hits on your bait right and left! This is just one of the variables that make fishing for Small Mouth bass so fascinating.

Other vital tips that could make our break the success of your trip: take along the fewest number of people you can and find the quietest spot. Small Mouth bass are notoriously sensitive to noise and vibrations.

If you’d like to test out the DOA shrimp lure, check out this site: at Tackle Direct. Another source? at’s tackle store. I like the very realistic swimming action of these lures and find them very satisfactory when compared with live bait.

Small Mouth Bass: best tackle to use

Here’s where you decide whether you prefer the majority opinion or want to swim against the tide. If you like a challenge, try using a fly fishing rod. Otherwise, do your research and choose your rod to fit the type of water and situation your find. If you’ve fished for trout, try using your same rod and reel for that. I prefer a custom made saltwater spinning reel.

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Small Mouth Bass: a video worth watching

Sometimes seeing other anglers in action can help you hone your own skills. If this appeals to you, I suggest you have a look at the DVD, Catching Small Mouth Bass at While you’ll still want to perfect your own technique, you can imagine the various techniques, see different types of bait and tackle in action and decide what might be optimum to bring along with you as well as how to fish most effectively on your trip.

Small Mouth Bass: simple but tasty recipe

When you’ve got a tasty fish, no point in messing things up with a complicated recipe. So here’s a favorite, simple enough to make in minutes but one that’ll leave you smacking your lips with pleasure. Just take some cornmeal and salt and pepper. If you want to get fancier than that, add a bit of Lawry’s salt instead of the basic salt. Dip your fish in the mixture, making sure a fair amount sticks to both sides and fry it in oil (I like basic corn oil but take your pick of oil). Just make sure the oil is piping not but not smoking. Fry at a moderate temperature till cooked through. Enjoy!
