The 5 Different Skin Types

In order to chose the right skin care regimen for an individual it is important to know what that person’s skin type is. There are actually five different skin types that people will fit into. Knowing those skin types and what they mean is the first step to getting the right care for healthy and beautiful skin. These five skin types are normal, dry, oily, combination and sensitive. Each type has different characteristics and needs different care.

For those who fall into the normal category luck and genetics can be thanked. These lucky folks have a skin type that produces just the right amount of oil to keep the uppermost layer of skin looking and feeling healthy. Normal skin types generally have medium sized pores. Nearly any type of skin care products can be used by people with this skin type. People with normal skin do not need to keep a special lookout for certain products; they can pick and chose what they want.

Dry skin is like a desert; it is starved for oil (where a desert is starved for water). This skin type with appear dull, flaky, rough and fragile. Dry skin will quickly absorb moisturizers and it tends to look even more flaky than usual when applying makeup. The pores are small and this skin type is more susceptible to wrinkles. Those people who suffer from dry skin will want to shop for skin care products with moisturizers in them, that includes when choosing their makeup also. Products especially made for dry skin sufferers are a must have. These types of products will contain extra moisturizers and they will be free of alcohol (which is very drying and is found in many skin care products).

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Oily skin is the type of skin that tends to produce too much oil, which gives the face a shiny appearance very shortly after washing. This condition could also be caused by an overabundance of oil glands in the face. This skin type will not want to use facial products that contain extra oils. People with oil skin will be inclined to use products with alcohol, which will help to absorb some of the oil. They can also benefit from rice paper, which can be used to blot the face, absorbing excess oil any time (carry them in a purse or the glove box of the car at all times).

Those who suffer from what is called combination skin will have both oil and dry skin. Normally the part of the face that is oily is the T-zone, which is the areas of the forehead, nose and chin (called the T-zone because these area form the shape of a “T”). The rest of the face is usually dry. Skin care companies are kind enough to make products already blended for combination skin so that the person who has this type of skin does not have to buy numerous treatments for both dry and oily types. Combination skin types can also benefit from the wonderful drying and oil removing properties of rice paper.

People with sensitive skin are generally allergy sufferers, or are acne prone. Ingredients in their cosmetics can cause rashes, itching, eczema and acne. People with sensitive skin will want to buy products without scents and dyes, and products that are specifically made for sensitive skin. There are both skin care products (like cleansers, toners and moisturizers) and cosmetics (like foundation, eyeshadow and lipstick) that are made for those who suffer from these kinds of outbreaks. For acne sufferers there are products that can help ease outbreaks too, and make them go away faster.

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Reference: The Body Shop Body Care Manual, 2003