The 10 Best Sports Songs Ever

I love going to sporting events and although being their in person is exciting, the thing that really makes the game is the music! It builds up the anticipation before the game and keeps you entertained during intermission. It allows the fans to celebrate their team’s gains or the other team’s losses when appropriate and wakes the fans up during slumps. If there was no music or a bad selection of music, live professional sports might not be as fun! Imagine going to a football game and no music is played until intermission. Then during intermission they play elevator muzak. That would be like going to Disney World during a torrential downpour. Fun because you’re there, but not that much fun.

The following is a top 10 list of favorite sports songs played at sporting events today:

1. 2 Unlimited-Get Ready for This-1991-Here is lively adrenaline booster! Its fast and get’s the crowd excited and ready for the action! It may possibly be the most popular and most frequently played songs at the beginning of sporting events.

2. Black Eyed Peas-Lets Gets it Started-2004-This hit was originally played for the2004 NBA playoffs. Has since been played at many sporting events at the beginning of the game. Its glorious beat gets the crowd pumped and is a great opener for any game.

3. Gary Glitter-Rock n’ Roll Part 2 1972 (The “Hey!” song)-This primal drum and chant piece is a favorite at sporting events and has become even more popular since its ability to be mixed with any other instrumental music or theme. It is upbeat fun and gets the fans going!

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4. Tag Team-Whoomp! There it is-1993-This song is a favorite at sports venues everywhere. It is a simple and contagious multi use chant that can be used for anything from moral boosts to celebrating scores or successes.

5. Blur-Song 2-1997-This is a high energy song used to motivate the crowd. It gets the fans ready and eager for more action.

6. C & C Music Factory-Gonna Make You Sweat-1990-This song is high energy with a powerful beat. It is a crowd pleaser at any game! It can be played during any part of the game including intermission. This is a jock anthem that has held strong.

7. Twisted Sister-We’re Not Gonna’ Take it-1984-Great song when the home team is down then makes a dramatic comeback. This song boosts the moral of both team and fans.

8. Chumbawumba-Tubthumping-1997-This song is a great moral booster for the team who has fallen behind then pulls it back together. It is high spirited and fun and gets the fans pumped up!

9. Steam-Na, Na, Na, Na, Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodby-1969-This song is usually played at the end of a game or when a player is replaced due to a foul in basketball or baseball or striking out in baseball.

10. Queen-We Are the Champions-1977-This song is classic for the end of the game immediately following the final winning score. It is the best celebratory song ever.

All of these songs can be found and downloaded online. Here are some suggestions for safe and reliable download sites. All listed sites have a huge selection of music and are low cost:

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