Tessalon Perles for Cough

As an asthmatic, having a cough is rather routine for me. It can; however, sometimes become so bad that it jumpstarts a full-blown asthmatic attack. When that happens I turn to Tessalon Perles.

Known technically as Benzonatate, Tessalon Perles are used to treat coughs caused by a variety of breathing issues including asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and pneumonia.

Benzonatate works with the lungs to reduce their need to reflex. This, in turn, reduces one’s urge to cough.

The medication gets its name from its appearance. The tablets are small, semi-transparent, golden and shiny. They do look a bit like a pearl.

Unfortunately, like most medications, this one also has side effects. The most common side effects include, but are not necessarily limited to the following:

– constipation,
– dizziness,
– headache,
– sleepiness,
– stuffed up nose, and
upset stomach.

These are generally not severe and sometimes go away once the body has adjusted to the medication. In rare instances; however, more serious side effects may occur. These include:

– burning in the eyes,
– loss of feeling in an area of the body (usually the chest), and
– obvious mood swings.

These side effects should be reported to a physician before taking any more of the medication. He may wish to adjust dosage or change the medication altogether.

Allergic reaction is also possible. These may represent themselves through:

difficulty breathing,
– dizziness accompanied with fainting,
– rashes, and
– swelling of the face or throat area.

If any such symptoms appear, it is important to report immediately to an Urgent Care or ER facility for treatment. Failure to do so could result in death.

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People who are allergic to anesthetics can have a severe reaction to Tessalon Perles. Therefore, it is important to report such allergies to a physician at the time of prescription.

Other drug interactions could occur in patients taking antihistamines, anti-seizure, anxiety reducers, muscle relaxers, narcotics, psychiatric medications and sleep enhancers. Do not take Tessalon Perles in conjunction with such medications without a physician’s approval.

It is important to avoid certain actions while taking Tessalon Perles. These include driving and working with dangerous chemicals, equipment or machinery. Because the drug causes drowsiness, doing any of the above could put one’s life in danger.

Tessalon Perles come in capsule form. They should be taken only as prescribed by a physician. The maximum is usually three per day.

The drug may be taken with or without food and should be swallowed; never chewed, sucked, or dissolved within the mouth. Doing any of those actions could result in severe allergic reaction or loss of feeling of the mouth, tongue, throat or a combination thereof.

If a dose is missed, it can be taken as soon as it is remembered unless the time to the next dose is shorter than the time from the previous one. Then wait and take the next dose without double dosing.

Tessalon Perles should be stored at room temperature. They should not be exposed to light or moisture and should be kept out of reach of small children.
