Terry Contour Covers – Baby Product Review

I purchased three Terry Contour Covers when my son was first born. I bought them in dark blue and I couldn’t wait to put them on the changing pad on the changing table. They really made the nursery pop by adding more color into the room. I bought them from Babies R Us for $12.99 each. I wondered why my sister who has three children of her own never used these contour covers. Well, I soon found out the answer to that question.

What a waste of money. I wish I never opened the other two packs because I would have returned them. Let me start by saying this, imagine your child just had what I like to refer to as “a poopie explosion.” Your newborn is wiggling all around the changing table and you can’t prevent the poop from getting all over the changing cover. Now not only do I have to clean my son’s tushy, I have to clean the changing cover too. This added to my loads and loads of laundry that I already had to do. The thing I needed was more work. You would have thought I would have stopped putting the cover on, nope. I kept putting it on and tried different ways to keep the cover from getting dirty. I tried disposable changing pads on top of the terry pad. That didn’t work, my son would just kick that right off and get poop all over that too. I was creating more problems than coming up with a solution.

Another issue that I ran into was that when I did wash the terry cover, it would shrink. Not only would it shrink after washing the cover, it no longer was soft and cushiony. Maybe this was because I had to wash it almost every diaper change. My son loves to poop. He still does and he just turned two. It was getting harder to fit it over the vinyl pad. Since it was getting smaller, it would make the vinyl pad start to buckle instead of laying flat. Needless to say, I had enough of the terry changing cover.

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I am now stuck with three terry covers that I will never use and can’t return. I wish I would have asked my sister why she didn’t use these in the first place and would have saved myself time, money, and a lot of aggravation.

My solution now is that I leave the vinyl pad alone. I do not cover it with anything, not even a disposable pad. Those turned out to be a waste of money too. After each diaper change, I take a couple of wipes and wipe down the vinyl pad. In addition to that, I will disinfect in at least once a day with disinfecting cleaners. I also spray Lysol all over it. That helps with the germs and any leftover residue smell from the diaper changes.

My new issue is that since we change my son so much, the vinyl pad has started to rip. I have had to replace my two changing tables with new vinyl pads one time so far. So the cost has been a total of four vinyl pads. This is still worth it because the terry cloth covers were a nightmare.

In the end, I do not recommend buying the Terry Contour Covers. It won’t be long before you run into the same issues I did. The measurements for this changing pad are 16″ x 32″. The elastic corners are supposed to stretch to 17″ x 33″.