Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism

If you have ever had a drink or you know someone who has suffered from alcoholism, then you probably wish you had known what the top ten warning signs of alcoholism were. Alcoholism affects families and family members from young to old. Here is a list of ten warning signs of alcoholism that everybody should look out for. Treatment for alcoholism begins with an understanding of the ten warning signs of alcoholism and how to spot this disease.

Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Poor Eating Habits: Many times a person who is suffering from alcoholism will have very poor eating habits. Most times these eating habits are associated with times that the person is drinking. For instance, a person with alcoholism may not eat while drinking or may eat very little. Most do this because they believe that the alcohol will not have as much of an effect if they eat while drinking.

Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Hiding the Alcohol from Family and Friends: Many people who suffer from alcoholism will hide the amount of alcohol that they consume from their friends or family. Sometimes those who suffer from alcoholism will deny the fact that they have been drinking all together. Denial is the very first sign that a person has a problem and they do not want to admit to it.

Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Morning Shakes: Often times alcoholics will find themselves with a shakiness in the morning. This is the effect of the remaining alcohol in the body after a long night of drinking. One of the most visible of the ten warning signs of alcoholism is the fact that many sufferers of this disease find it necessary to have just one more drink the next day to ward off the shakes.

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Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Drinking More than Before: As the body builds a tolerance to the alcohol, many people who suffer from alcoholism find themselves having to drink more and more for the same or even a lesser effect from the alcohol. Drinking more than you used to is one of the top ten warning signs of alcoholism that all people should look out for.

Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Getting Angry or Depressed when Drinking: If drinking makes you angry or depressed when you do it, but you still continue to drink then this is a sure sign of alcoholism. Many alcoholics drink to sooth pain within but yet the alcohol actually makes this pain worse and more difficult to deal with. Alcohol should never be used as a way to mend pain.

Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Getting in Trouble: Very common in the top ten warning signs of alcoholism is the incident of one getting in trouble when drinking. If you or someone that you know has ever had a DUI or a DWI (Driving Under the Influence or Driving While Intoxicated) and yet still continues to drink then there is a possibility of alcohol related illness such as alcoholism. Getting into trouble with the law while drinking is a sure sign that there may be a problem.

Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Avoiding Friends and Family: One of the ten signs of alcoholism that friends and family should be able to recognize is avoidance. If you know somebody who drinks and you find that this person begins to avoid friends and family then this could be a true sign of alcoholism to watch out for. Often times alcoholics avoid their friends and family for numerous reasons related to alcoholism.

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Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Uncontrollable Drinking: Another sign of alcoholism is an uncontrollable urge to drink. People who drink when they are happy, sad, mad, glad, or in any mood are often suffering from alcoholism. If you have ever decided that you wanted to stop drinking but then later found yourself drinking again anyway then this is a sure sign that you have a problem with alcohol.

Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Staying Intoxicated or Drunk for Days: Binge drinking or staying drunk for days at a time is a very real sign of alcoholism. If you find that you cannot go without a drink or that you lose track of time because you are drunk for several days at a time then you are suffering from alcoholism and should seek treatment.

Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Blackouts: Finally, the last of the top ten warning signs of alcoholism is blackouts. If you find that in the morning you wake up and your friends or family members are telling you about things that you said or did which you cannot remember then you have suffered from a blackout. Blackouts can be extremely dangerous as you may end up doing something that you regret and cannot take back once you are sober. If you have suffered from blackouts and continue to drink then you may be suffering from alcoholism and should seek the advice of a professional.