Ten Tips for Hiking in Hot Weather

Now that summer is approaching, more people will be getting out of the home to get rid of the cabin fever blues. A popular sport is hiking; summer time hiking is a lot of fun however there are some considerations that a person needs to be aware of when hiking in hot weather. In this article we will look at some tips that could save your life or the life of a friend or loved one.

Tip #1: Proper clothing

Often times when hiking in hot weather people think that by wearing a short sleeved shirt or a T-shirt they will be cooler, actually opposite is true, a long sleeved shirt helps keep you cool because it retains the moisture and the sweat acts as a coolant. If you watch cowboys when they are working in the sun, you will almost never see them wearing short sleeved shirts. Shorts are fine however if you plan to be out a long time, you may want to have pants with you. A good alternative to carrying extra pants is to have the type of pants that you can unzip and make into shorts. Another consideration is socks and footwear. Good quality socks and hiking shoes can save your feet at the end of the day, many times when people are hiking in hot weather you will see them wearing sandals that is a mistake. It is important to remember that when you are hot weather hiking there are all sorts of critters sharing the hiking trails with you, so it is better to have your feet covered.

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Tip #2: Carry plenty of water

It is better to have too much water than not enough. Most hot weather hiking incidents are caused from dehydration. It is also better to have extra water incase you come across somebody that didn’t think to bring enough water with them. There are many companies that carry water containers that are comfortable for hikers.

Tip #3: Don’t drink a lot of caffeine

Simply put if you are going to be hiking in hot weather, caffeine helps to dehydrate you. That double shot of espresso may taste good, but when it comes to hot weather hiking it can be your enemy.

Tip #4: Proper physical condition

This tip goes without saying, every summer they have to fly people out of the Grand Canyon because they are not physically fit enough for the hike that they have set out on. This becomes twice as bad when hiking in hot weather.

Tip #5 Sun screen

A good quality sunscreen is important; make sure you purchase a sunscreen that will work in the rain. When you are hiking in hot weather it will make your experience more enjoyable.

Tip #6: First aid

Carry a good quality first-aid kit with you. You need a kit that is designed for the trail, in other words one that is designed for bites and stings.

A good quality first aid kit can be purchased at any of the local outdoor shops in your area. Make sure if you are allergic to bees or other types of stings that you have the proper medicine in your first aid kit.

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Tip #7: Let someone know where you are at

Even if you want to hike by yourself you need to let somebody know your plans. Give them a map of the area that you will be hiking in. It always pays to be safe when hiking, but it is especially important in hot weather hiking. Don’t become a casualty to Murphy’s Law.

Tip #8: Carry a map of the area that you are hiking in

When hot weather hiking you can’t afford to take chances, there is special forest service maps designed to tell you where the water holes are located. Forest service maps also show you side trails and connecting roads incase you become lost.

Tip #9: Carry a hiking stick and a quality fixed bade knife

Ok let’s remember you’re hiking in hot weather right? So it makes sense that there would be snakes and other critters that you don’t want near you on the trail. A good quality walking stick will help you push those little guys away from you should you meet up with each other, and at some point you will since in reality you are hiking in there home. Hiking sticks can be purchased however I prefer the ones that I make myself. Why do you need a knife you ask? The answer is simple, a knife is a tool. You can make a shelter with it, use it for defense etc. I’m not talking about one of the Rambo machetes; I am talking about a simple four to six inch fixed blade knife that will fit comfortably on your side, and one that is comfortable enough that you won’t mind taking it with you every time you go.

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Tip #10: Be at home in your surroundings

Weather you are hot weather hiking or cold weather hiking be at home where ever you are. Most catastrophes happen because people are in a foreign environment. If you take the foreign out of the picture and learn to be at home in your surroundings then the chances for an accident are reduced.

Hot weather hiking can be fun for all, and if you remember these tips you will have many years of enjoyment. There is nothing like the experience of nature, however we need to learn to live with nature and not against it. It just like Bear claw said on Jeremiah Johnson “You can’t beat the mountain pilgrim; the mountain has its own ways”