Ten Tips for Dealing with Depression

According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, depression affects approximately 14.8 million adults in the U.S., and “as many as one in 33 children and one in eight adolescents have clinical depression.”[i]That number includes the author of this article. The following are ten ways I’ve found to help manage my depression. Please remember, I’m not a doctor or mental health professional. In the case of severe depression and/or suicidal thoughts, please seek immediate help from a professional. Remember also that anything found in this article, or in similar articles written by other laypersons, is superseded by any advice from certified mental health professionals.

1. Remember that you are unique. As with anything, not every method of dealing with depression works equally well for everyone. Do research, experiment, and find out what works best for you. It can be difficult and frustrating sometimes, but, more often than not, it helps in the end.

2. Find someone trustworthy to talk with. It often helps to have someone to talk to about problems you’re having, and to have someone you can seek advice from. It’s very important, however, that it’s someone you can trust. Not everyone is caring, and some will even try to exploit those they are claiming to help. It’s usually best to turn to close family or friends. If you are still in school, teachers, guidance counselors, or university counseling centers are good options. Perhaps the best option, though, is a mental health professional such as a licensed councilor or a psychologist since these individuals are specifically trained to help people manage depression.

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3. Medications can help. Admittedly, not everyone likes the idea of or wants to take medications. Despite this, they can be helpful, and sometimes, such as in the case of rather severe depression, can be necessary. If your depression is fairly mild and you don’t like the idea of prescription medications, you may want to consider an herbal supplement such as St. John’s Wort. Remember, it is important to check with your doctor in the case of medication, and, of course, in the case of prescription drugs it is required.

4. Find a creative outlet. This is what has helped me the most. My main creative outlet is writing, poetry in particular. But this is just one of many options. Anything from painting to cooking to music to dancing, and beyond can work. Having a creative outlet is particularly useful for dealing with your feelings when you don’t particularly feel like talking with others. Sometimes it’s just nice to get away from everything and engage in some enjoyable activity solely for yourself. Of course, the key here is not to let this activity isolate you from the outside world. It should be used to better deal with life, not as a means to avoid it.

5. Get a pet. This may sound a bit silly, but having a pet around to play with and take care of can actually help. Pets can provide a great deal of much needed companionship. They are, of course, not a substitute for human friends, but they make a nice addition.

6. Engage in exercise. This is good for both mind and body. When I’m feeling depressed, I sometimes enjoy going for long walks. It gives me a chance to work out problems in my mind, and the physical activity helps to relieve built up tension. Any kind of physical activity can work here, not just walking. Running, swimming, biking, just whatever you are most comfortable with.

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7. Talk with other people dealing with depression. There are sometimes support groups, but if you can’t find one, or are more comfortable with more informal communication, just talking to individual people works too. Other people dealing with depression have some understanding of what you are going through, and, as such, they can sometimes be more understanding. They can also help by sharing with you methods that help them manage their depression.

8. Try meditation. Meditation helps by relaxing you and making you more aware of what is going on both within you and outside of you. Thus, you can better deal with your problems. There are many types of meditation out there (both religious and non-religious), and many books and other aids if you are interested. A book I’ve found helpful, Meditation Now or Never by Steve Hagen, takes a Zen Buddhist perspective. But, again, there are many types, so you can research and see what works best for you.

9. Get involved in a social activity. This can be difficult. It has always been for me. Sometimes it’s difficult to step outside and get involved, and dealing with people can sometimes be a pain. But, I think it really helps – it has for me. Sometimes it helps to be around people and to engage in some sort of constructive activity, regardless of what it is specifically. Doing this can help you to get a new perspective on your life.

10. Don’t expect miraculous or overnight results. Sometimes problems arise because we have our expectations too high. We believe we have found the answer that will solve all our problems immediately. Of course, no such answer exists, and we become disappointed by the letdown we have set ourselves up for. On the other hand, don’t be pessimistic either. Positive results and improvements in life are most definitively possible. They just take a lot of effort and time usually. The main thing is to remain realistic about your progress and your future.

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[i] “Statistics on Depression” at http://www.dbsalliance.org/site/PageServer?pagename=about_statistics_depression