Ten Resources for Free Birth Records

Free birth records are offered by a host of companies that promise to find your lost vital records; more often than not obtaining these free birth records is actually an expensive process and some companies are in fact not as reputable as they claim and may instead be in the business of robbing you of your identity!

Birth records are vital not only for establishing one’s age, but also to obtain any and all official documents such as social security cards, driver’s licenses, marriage licenses, and also – for children – admission to little league, peewee soccer league and other activities.

Fortunately, there are 10 resources for free birth records! The first eight are indeed free of charge but there may be a fee associated with copying the birth record, notarizing it, and of course having it sent to you. The final two are sort of free-while the actual birth certificate search is free, prior to being able to access it you must complete a membership form. The advantage of these membership driven sites is the fact that you will have access to plenty of other public records as well. The downside of course is that payment of a fee for any membership is an expensive endeavor when you only need one birth record.

Virtual Gumshoe

Billed as a free resource for professionals in the investigation industry, it features a premier free public records directory which will lead you to any and all vital records bureaus of the various states. From there, you may access the office of the registrar and request a copy of your free birth records to be sent to you.

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Records Room: Nations, Tribes & Bands

Native Americans sometimes have an especially hard time replacing lost birth certificates, especially when they are kept at the local tribal office. This listing provides a mailing address for the various tribes’ official point of contact. From there, the clerk will direct you on where to find your birth certificate.

U.S. Department of State

United States citizens who are born in a foreign country must contact the United States Department of State, Vital Records Section, 1111 19th Street NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20522-1705 in writing to obtain a copy of the birth records. The CDC offers information with respect to the requirements that need to be included with the request.

U.S. Government Printing Office

Those needing free birth records but the birth certificate is recorded and stored in a foreign country may worry about the frustrating governmental red tape they are likely to encounter when tracking down the vital statistics offices there. Do not fret! Simply contact the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 and ask to receive U.S. Department of State Publication 7846 which lists the Foreign Consular Offices in the United States. Once you find the consulate of the country in question, follow the directions to contact them directly.

Vital Records Section – Canal Zone

Affecting those born between May 1904 and September of 1979, those born in the Canal Zone need to contact the Vital Records Section (Passport Services) at the U.S. Department of State, 1111 19th Street NW, Suite 510 in Washington, DC 20522-1705. Contact the office by phone – (202) 955-0307 – to inquire about the current fee required.

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Vital Statistics Office – Northern Mariana Islands

Those born after 1946 pm the Northern Mariana Islands may write to the Vital Statistics Office (Division of Public Health) at P.O. Box 500409 in Saipan, MP 96950. Send an email to [email protected] to learn the current fee for the service.

Birth Database

Those who are searching for free birth records of an elderly parent or for the sake of genealogy research will do well to use the birth database site which connects them to those who are storing the archives of older birth certificates and other vital records.

United Kingdom and Wales

Those born in Great Britain or Wales and now residing in the United States need to contact the Crown’s registrar office. View the details online to find out what information you must provide in addition to the requested fee.


Not quite free birth records may be found at OnLinePublicRecordsSearch.com One year access to all files costs $19.95, while a five year pass runs $10 more. An additional $9.95 buys access to each and every public record plus cell phone traces and criminal records.


The initial search for the subject is free, but ones you have hit on the individual in question, access to the records requires payment of fees. A one time people search report costs $2.95, while a 24 hour pass runs $19.95. If you wish to run a complete background check, the cost is $49.95.

Beware Identity Thieves!

Those seeking to steal your identity will not stand idly by. Beware any service offering free birth records if they require your social security number.

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