Ten Outer Space Movies

Space travel. It’s something we all dreamed of as kids. We wanted to be the first one to walk on the moon, or the first to walk on a different planet. Maybe that’s why outer space movies are so intriguing. Movies about outer space might be movies about alien invasion on earth, traveling through space, or even sci fi movies about space travel and encountering other life forms on other planets. Read on to find out!

1. Apollo 13 (1995). Apollo 13 is based on a true story, and stars Tom Hanks. I think this is the best movie about space travel and outer space that I have ever seen. Why? It is truly motivational. The people in this movie are put to a test, of whether they can figure out a way to get the astronauts home after a device malfunctions. They have no choice but to find a solution. Out of this movie comes the motto, “Failure is not an option,” which is what I live by. This movie shows that when put to the test, humans really can work together and find solutions.

2. Chronicles of Riddick (2004). This movie stars Vin Diesel, and involves space travel to different planets. The most memorable planet is Crematoria, where each morning when the sun rises, it scalds the entire earth surface. Any human there would disentegrate upon contact with the sun. There is an incredible sunrise scene during the movie where some of the characters race to outrun it back to the spacecraft. Can Vin Diesel save the planets from the Necromongers who are trying to take over the universe?

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3. Star Wars (1977 through 2005). Here are six movies dedicated to space travel through many different planets and settings, including The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. These are the most memorable of all the outer space movies. What is interesting about these movies, is that three of them were made, and then the next three all went back in time to predate the first three and show the origins of them. This was a unique perspective, and also gave the saga a chance to make money on three more box office hits!

4. War of the Worlds (2005). Tom Cruise gets a chance to join the ranks of the outer space movies in this movie about aliens invading earth. Besides being a great space movie, the movie is also a sci fi horror film that really gets to you without alot of blood and gore.

5. Independence Day (1996). Leave it to Will Smith to make a somewhat funny movie about space travel. In this case, aliens have placed spaceships above major metropolitan cities throughout the world. Will Smith needs to travel to the mother ship to destroy it, so that the spaceships don’t destroy the cities and takeover the earth.

6. Pitch Black (2000). Pitch Black stars Vin Diesel and is the original movie before Chronicles of Riddick. Vin Diesel is a criminal, being taken to another planet to go to prison. He escapes when the spaceship is damaged.
7. Men in Black (1997). This movie stars Will Smith again, and is about aliens actually living on earth that we don’t even know about. It’s a regular thing. In this outer space film, the men in black must try to watch the aliens so that they don’t blow up the world.

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8. Star Trek (2009). This Star Trek movie is about the whole fleet when they were young, before all of the events that happened on the television series. We learn how Star Trek came to be. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto star.

9. Mission to Mars (2000). This movie tells the tale of trying to rescue a mission to Mars after the original crew to arrive there faces disaster.

10. The Fountain (2006). Starring Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz, The Fountain is about three different story lines of the same individuals at different points in time. One of the three story lines is about a space traveler. The movie is really about the love of two people through time and space.

What are your favorite movies about outer space and space travel?
