Ten Inspirational Mother’s Day Quotes

An abundance of Mother’s Day quotes exist abut motherhood. Some of these quotes were said centuries ago but still have meaning today. I compiled a list of my favorite Mother’s Day quotes from various sources I think are timeless in meaning.

No woman can call herself free who doesn’t control her own body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be mother.” -Margaret Sanger

I just had to include this one on my list of Mother’s Day quotes. Freedom is pointless unless you can choose your own destiny. These days, women have more freedom over their lifestyle than previous generations. Motherhood is too important of a decision for someone else to make.

“A man’s work is from sun to sun. A mother’s work is never done.” -Unknown

A man can come home from work and relax in his easy chair. On the other hand, a mother doesn’t finish her day in eight hours. Even working mothers still have to care for the house after a long day at the office.

Men are what their mothers make them.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Many boys and their mothers share a unique bond like no one else. Mothers are the primary influence in a boy’s life especially if no father is present. If a mother was a good influence, it shows in adulthood.

“Sometimes the poorest mother leaves her children the richest inheritance” – Ruth Renkes

Motherhood isn’t about leaving children fine things or a big cash inheritance. There are some things mothers leave their children money can’t buy. Another may not have many material things but she can leave behind her virtues. You can’t put a price tag on patience, love, wisdom, and understanding.

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A mother is one to whom you turn when you are troubled.” – Emily Dickinson

The famous poet deserved a place in my Mother’s Day quotes list for such a beautiful thought Our mother is the first person we most often turn to in times of need. They listen when no one else does.

” No matter how old a mother is, she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement.” -Florida Scott Maxwell

Grown children sometimes complain how their mother criticizes them about their faults. She wants to be sure her hard work in raising you pays off. She expects improvement and probably feels you can do better with age.

“A mother is a biological necessity. A father is a social invention.” Margaret Mead

None of us would be here if it weren’t for our mothers. Fathers can’t have children so it makes sense about mothers being a necessity. Actually, we wouldn’t exist without either one of them.

“The joys of motherhood are never fully experienced until the children are in bed.” – Unknown

Mothers feel accomplished when children are sleeping soundly in their beds. It is a pleasure looking at their angelic faces. She knows she done something right and can relax for a bit.

” A mother understands what a child can not say.” Jewish Proverb
Babies and toddlers have a language all their own. Each expression means something different. Mothers have a special way of knowing what they want.

“A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best and his mother the longest.” -Irish Proverb
This is very well put. A man may love his wife and girl friend best but it may be only temporary. His love for his mother will out last some relationships. After all, his mother has been around him the longest.

See also  Top Ten Mother's Day Quotes

These are my favorite Mother’s Day quotes. You may or not be familiar with them but I find them inspirational.
