Ten Harmless, Humorous April Fool’s Day Phone Pranks

The month of April brings to mind thoughts of showers, springtime, and of course those naughty but harmless pranks and jokes of April Fool’s Day. Following are ten amusing, innocuous phone pranks you can play on your spouse, family members, friends or even coworkers. These jokes are fun on April Fool’s Day or any day you are feeling mischievous!

1. The first phone trick is a bit different as it doesn’t involve any type of real crank phone calling. Simply place a strong piece of tape over the victim’s phone’s hook button. Sneak into another room and give them a call, or just wait for their phone to ring. When they pick up the phone, the button will stay down and the phone will continue ringing, and ringing, and ringing. Once they are sufficiently annoyed you can jump in front of them with an “April Fool’s!”

2. This prank is a great one to play on a coworker. Give them a message asking them to please call a certain phone number (which happens to be your local zoo). This only works if the message is written down; saying it out loud will ruin the joke. The message should read that they should ask to speak with either Mr. Rostridge or Mrs. Eabrah. They won’t know what hit them until the person at the zoo says, “Oh, I get it. April Fool’s Day, right?”

3. Simple but classic: call your intended victim (make sure you are calling from a blocked phone number, or dial *62 first to block the number in most areas). Disguising your voice, ask if there is a John there. When they say no, respond with, “Do you use an outhouse?” Obviously this one doesn’t work in a household containing someone named John!

See also  April Fool's Cruel Rules

4. Have three-way calling? Conference in two different victims (preferably people who don’t know each other or won’t recognize the other person’s voice) and without saying a word let them talk. You’ll probably get a lot of “Hello?” “Hello!” “Who is this?” “Who is this!?” “You called me!” “No, you called me!” A word of advice: use your mute button so they don’t hear you snickering until your ready to pronounce “April Fool’s!”

5. Be someone famous! Celebrity soundboards are abundant online. These allow you to click on the phrase you want to say and have a confusing (to them!) conversation with your victim. Again, block your number for this to work! Some free online celebrity soundboards include Napoleon Dynamite, Dr. Evil, President George W. Bush and Dr. Phil.

6. Call your victim several different times (from a blocked number of course), each time using a different voice. Ask to speak with Ezra (or your choice of incorrect name). When they say there is no Ezra there, ask to leave a message. After several exasperating phone calls, call again and say, “Hello, this is Ezra. Do I have any messages?”

7. For the next prank call, phone your victim pretending to be from the local phone company. Their line has recently had repairs and you will require that they repeat a few (idiotic) phrases so that the line can be tested by the company’s voice recognition system. In your most serious, professional voice ask them to slowly and clearly repeat the following phrases. Or you can make up your own. It helps to have them written down.

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“You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around, that’s what it’s all about.”

“Schlameel, Schlamaazal Hassenpepper Incorporated.”

“I immensely enjoy purple cabbage with Grey Poupon.”

And wind up the call with: “I have just been pranked. Happy April Fool’s Day!”

8. The perfect April Fool’s joke to play on your favorite ice cream lover: call and state that you are from the local ice cream shop. Say that the victim’s name was drawn for a contest and that if they can name 31 flavors in 31 seconds they can win 3100 dollars! Ready? GO!

9. Call your victim (works great on your spouse) and already be mid-conversation when they answer. When they ask in a puzzled manner if it’s you and what you are talking about, become upset and rant about how they never pay attention to anything you say!

10. Another corny one, but still a funny phone call for April Fool’s Day or anytime: call and ask if Mr. Wall is there. When they answer no, ask if Mrs. Wall is there. Hopefully they will then tell you there are no Walls there (if not you can ask are there any Walls there?). Your answer will be, “Well how on earth does your roof stay up?”

Have fun with these harmless, humorous April Fool’s phone pranks and stay alert! You might be on the receiving end!
