Ten Funniest Flash Movies on Albino Blacksheep

Before there was YouTube, Albino Blacksheep is where I found all of my favorite funny videos on the web. Even now, I still think that Albino Blacksheep has some of the greatest videos and flash movies to be seen. I have compiled a list of what I deem to be the top ten must-see items over at Albino Blacksheep.

One – End of the World

This fantastic flash movie gets its humor from poking fun at many of the world’s super powers, and it does it in a way that is so accurate, it’s downright hysterical. After the United States decides to nuke those Chinese sons of… well, you get the point, everyone gets in on the action, and this short flash movie becomes a laugh riot. It also manages to make an important statement, but I get the feeling any kind of political message was completely unintentional. Check it out!

Two – Amburgers and Wootbeer

What exactly is this flash musical tribute about? Well, it’s not anything you think it is. It’s just about Amburgers and Wootbeer. Okay? Awesome!

Three – The Evil Strawberry

Turn down your speakers a bit, or the scream that comes in the finale may bust them out. Try to ignore the fact that this sounds like it is probably a real kid they are mercilessly torturing just for the sake of our amusement, and just appreciate the resulting flash comedy short.

Four – Mashed Taters (Potatoes)

Like Lord of the Rings? Like Taters? Then this film is for you. Actually, even if you are not a huge fan of Lord of the Rings (I’m not), this short musical flash video will still entertain. It cracks me up every time I watch it. Starring Sam and Gollum from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

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Five – The Llama Song

Warning: The Llama Song will stick in your head for days unless you have a very sturdy constitution. It is very catchy and very funny, but it replays again and again until you stop it. Make sure you stop it before you kick your computer over.

Six – Milk and Cereal

If I had grown up with these two guys as my brothers, I would have attempted to murder them both with a carving knife. Now, I really wish they were my best friends. These are two young men who really know how to salute their breakfast.

Seven – Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me

Set to a very poignant song that is pretty self-explanatory, this flash music video follows a cute fluffy rabbit’s tribulations in the love-making department. If you don’t feel sorry for the sad, near-virgin bunny, you are just cold-hearted. He sure feels sorry for himself.

Eight – Schfifty Five

A flash music video, this one to a song by popular cult band, Group X. Shfifty Five is the best of the Group X vids on Albino Blacksheep. The song is awesome, the lyrics are hysterical, and the animations to it are spot on. Plus, an introduction like no other. You’ll be quoting this one for months.

Nine – Mario Twins

Another Group X music video with another genius introduction sequence. If you are old enough to remember the original Nintendo with the simple controller, you’ll enjoy this.

Ten – Banana – Peanut Butter Jelly Time

This one is a classic from the early days of flash. I remember it circulating way back when. And even now, after all of the competition that has popped up all over the internet, this gem still holds up.

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