Ten Fun and Cheap Things to Do with Your Kids This Summer

Summer is upon us, and parents everywhere are scrambling for ideas to keep the kids entertained this season. Keeping kids active is important not only for their physical health, but it also helps to expand their minds.

Since budget is always a concern, I’m always on the lookout for cheap or free things to do with my kids. Over the years, I’ve collected a good arsenal of fun summer activities to keep the kids busy, in a fun and positive way. Read on to find out how to eliminate boredom this summer, and keep the costs in check!

At Home

Put together a summer fun kit. Include things like bubbles, sidewalk chalk, balloons (for water balloon fights), sand box toys, pool toys, balls, sports equipment, and anything else that your kids like to do outside. This will keep them happily playing for hours.

Get wet! Get a wading pool or bring out the sprinkler. We picked up a small pool-about 12′ in diameter and 3′ deep, and during the summer, the kids and I go out in our swimsuits and play in the pool. They think it’s a blast when Mommy joins them! Sure, you might get funny looks from your neighbors, but the kids will be in heaven.

Get or build a small sandbox. Sand and accessories are really inexpensive, and the kids will feel like they’ve got their own personal playground. You can also pick up really inexpensive sand box toys at any discount store. A word of warning: Get a cover to avoid neighborhood cats mistaking it for a bathroom.

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Make home-made popsicles. I like to use all natural fruit juice, and the kids like to throw in fruit pieces. You can also use Jell-O or pudding to make a richer tasting pop. The kids will take pleasure in helping to make the pops, and they can enjoy the “fruits” of their labor awhile later. You can buy Popsicle makers at the dollar store, or just use ice trays and tooth picks. Put a layer of plastic wrap over the tray to secure the tooth picks.

Have a sleepover. Have your child invite his friends over for an evening of fun. Rent movies, make popcorn, and let them party the night away. They can sack out on the living room floor in their sleeping bags. Be sure to have fun snacks for the evening, and a good breakfast. A word of warning: be sure you let the parents know when to drop off and pick up their children. This way everyone is on the same page.

Going Out

Go on a picnic. Have the kids help you prepare a picnic lunch, and together, choose a park near you. If you have one within walking distance, even better. Go eat at the park and then let the kids play for awhile. Maybe you’ll even play with them!

Go to the theater. Many theaters offer free or reduced prices in the morning for families, and almost all offer cheaper prices at matinee shows. It’s a great way to spend an afternoon with the kids while staying cool this summer.

Check with your community center. Many times, community centers have free family activities and day trips available, plus sports, classes, and more.

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Get a season pass. Go to the local pool, amusement park, or skate park and get a season pass. It will more than pay for itself if you use it regularly.

Hit the library. Provided you return your books on time, this is a completely free option. Kids can read books they enjoy, check out new games and magazines, and even use the computers. Libraries often also offer story times and activities for small children, as well as babysitting classes for older kids.

Bottom Line

Try to aim for one or two trips out per week, and be sure to have plenty of activities on hand for the days you’re home. Using these ideas, your kids will be able to look back and remember their summers fondly, and your budget will stay intact. This is what I like to call a win/win situation!