TechTips – Free SharePoint Training Videos from SharePointSolutions.Com

SharePoint is one of the top software programs companies are salivating over right now, it’s a nice tool built by Microsoft that allows companies to build extensive websites (intranet and extranet) to allow sharing, collaboration, and various other forms of business. The only problem with SharePoint is that a lot of people don’t know how to use it and training can be costly. Well I am here to show you the website which offers some free SharePoint training videos.

The website can be found by clicking here SharePoint Solutions. Well designed site with an easy to navigate feel and guess what it’s powered by SharePoint. They kept it very simplistic which is good; many users don’t like to have to scroll all over a page to find what they are looking for. SharePoint Solutions doesn’t only have free SharePoint Training videos; they also offer other services, such as consulting, onsite training, custom software to integrate with your SharePoint software, and various other services.

I however am only interested in getting you to the free training videos though, so on the webpage there is a menu bar at the top of the screen and one of the options is Videos, click this (there is also a huge red button at the top that says FREE SHAREPOINT VIDEOS you can also click this to get to the videos). It will take you to a form that SharePoint Solutions requires you to fill out in order to access the videos. I put in legitimate information and a secondary email address (just in case they spammed me with all their sales junk, which they didn’t). Once I submitted the form they gave me direct access to the videos and also sent a link to the video files to the email address I entered. There isn’t any waiting around for a confirmation email, they just get your info and then you have access.

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The only downfall is there are currently only 6 videos in their video library, which I can’t complain because it’s free. The videos range in size from 20 minutes to one that was 90 minutes (1 and 1/2 hours). I would rate the videos on a scale of 1 to 5 like this:

Content – 4

Presentation – 4

Quality – 3

Playability – 2

The content and presentation of the content is really great. The present is always easy to understand and explains everything and also demonstrates what he is talking about in a step by step manner. Makes it very easy to follow along and learn how and why it works. I listed quality at a 3 just because of the number of videos, there just isn’t enough content yet on the site, but anything free is worth the price.

The only thing I didn’t like about these videos is that you don’t have very good control of the video. For instance I watched the first 15 minutes of the 90 minute presentation and then had to leave and come back. Well there is no way to advance the video until it is fully loaded. So I had to wait for about 10 minutes for it to fully load before I could advance the video back to where I left off. It would be nice if they would allow start and stop at any location in the video much like YouTube and other video sites do. This was my only complaint, well and that there were only 6 videos but again, FREE.

I am always trying to expand my knowledge of technology and SharePoint in particular, anytime I can find some free training I am all about checking it out. I wouldn’t say that you are going to be an expert by watching these 6 videos. I would say that any little bit of training will help you to get a better grasp of MOSS 2007 SharePoint, and SharePoint Solutions has some good free video tutorials that can get you started.

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SharePoint Solutions also has a nice blog that has lots of useful and relevant info about SharePoint 2007 and even the newest version 2010. They go pretty in-depth into all aspects of SharePoint administration, design, and implementation. I would suggest if you are at the site viewing the videos already take a quick peek at the blog as well.
