Tea Party Movement Core Beliefs

According to the website, Tea Party Patriots, the Tea Party organization has 768 Tax Day Tea Party events scheduled across the United States. If you are a raging liberal like me, then you may be wondering what the Tea Party Movement is all about (apparently they have come to their sense and stop calling themselves teabaggers). So, with tax day upon us, I decided to find out what the Tea Party believes in.


According to the Tea Party Patriot Movement Headquarters, the Tea Party movement staged over 800 protests on tax day 2009, and are hoping to continue their trend of civil unrest. Unfortunately, I was unable to get an understanding of the Tea Party movement from this website. Here is an excerpt:

Last year on April 15th 2009, millions of hardworking Americans stood in unison in over 800 protests around the country. These protests, which became known as the Tax Day Tea Party, expressed real concerns against reckless government spending and spawned millions of Americans to get involved in their local Tea Parties which today are holding elected officials accountable. Right now, Tax Day Tea Party 2010 local events are being planned in large and small communities around the country. Tea Party Patriots has created many tools to help you find the nearest Tax Day Tea Party event. Support the 1 Million Yard Signs across America campaign. Get your yard sign here. Tax Day Tea Party Event Finder will help locate Tea Party events & Tea Party Patriot groups near you. Go to the Tea Party Patriots Online Store to find Tea Party Patriots gear to wear at your event. Organizers will benefit from our Tax Day Tea Party Event Checklist and Website Banners. We encourage you to do your duty as an American, stand up and be heard this year at a local Tax Day Tea Party.

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Okay, so I can do my duty as an American by participating in Tax day Tea Party events, which involve a lawn sign and prescriped clothing. Surely there is more?


After visiting a variety of links at the site, I had to consider that I may not be at the official Tea Party website. I searched again and located Tax Day Tea Party. They claim to be Tea Party 2.0. Here is what they have to say:

In 2009 we rallied in a Historic way. Millions of Americans stood in streets protesting a lack of representation.

We were ignored, however, and we now believe we can only achieve our goals through electoral activism and the defeat of incumbents in Washington.

Join the Patriot Caucus and help us build the “electoral” arm of the Tea Party Movement.

Ugh. Now I am even more confused. We live in a democracy. That means that we can vote, and that we are all represented, whether it is in a manner that most serves our self-interest or not. What is the Tea Party all about?


Okay so I finally stumbled across a Tea Party website that is doing more than telling me about how to buy the lawn sign and bumper sticker. TeaParty.org gives you the core beliefs of the Tea party right on page one. It is interesting to note that Tea Party candidate registration is printed in an easy to read font. The non-negotiable beliefs of the Tea Party are in fine print. That says everything I need to know!! Here is an excerpt of the Tea Party membership and core beliefs:

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YES, I want to be known as a Candidate who believes in the Non-Negotiable Core Beliefs of the Tea Party. By registering and paying my one time fee I will be admitted to all Tea Party events and be a Candidate member of the Tea Party. Even though I may be a member of a political party, I will work to uphold and protect the Non-Negotiable Core Beliefs as set forth by the Tea Party, as listed on TeaParty.Org.

When elected I will work to install, protect and endorse the Non-Negotiable Core Beliefs of the Tea Party.

Non-Negotiable Core Beliefs of the Tea Party

Illegal Aliens are here illegally.

Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable.

Stronger Military Is Essential.

Special Interests Eliminated.

Gun Ownership Is Sacred.

Government Must Be Downsized.

National Budget Must Be Balanced.

Deficit Spending Will End.

Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal.

Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must.

Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory.

Political Offices Available To Average Citizens.

Intrusive Government Stopped.

English As Core Language Is Required.

Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged.

Common Sense Constitutional Conservative Self-Governance is our mode of operation.

My thoughts on the Tea Party Movement

While I approached learning about the Tea Party with an open mind, the amount of propaganda that I had to wade through before locating the core beliefs was ridiculous. And, then they were in fine print, as though signing up for the movement without really reading or understanding the tea party beliefs is perfectly okay. Here are my thoughts on the Tea Party core beliefs:

Illegal Aliens Are Here illegally….yes we know that 8 USCA

Pro-Domestic Employment Is Indispensable. ….k nothing new

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Stronger Military Is Essential…yes for more war for more deficit

Special Interests Eliminated…..like the Tea Party!

Gun Ownership Is Sacred….Agree. ..without guns I believe that human natural selection is at a standstill

Government Must Be Downsized….but with stronger military?

National Budget Must Be Balanced. …..with stronger military?

Deficit Spending Will End. …..with stronger military?

Bail-out And Stimulus Plans Are Illegal……says who? The government still makes the laws

Reduce Personal Income Taxes A Must. ….. how are you paying for that extra military?

Reduce Business Income Taxes Is Mandatory….right; they need to make more money

Political Offices Available To Average Citizens. ..they already are, just no one elects dumb****s

Intrusive Government Stopped…..Government rarely intrudes upon the law-abiding

English As Core Language Is Required….. yeah we are not dumb enough already

Traditional Family Values Are Encouraged….but not expected

According to Teaparty.org, the Tea Party was founded by a military guy. It is no surprise that he wants a stronger military. Oh, and sounds like he wants to get elected to government as well. May someone in the Tea Party should tell him that any American can run for political office. Then again, he has retired and is living on his cozy federal pension. So, maybe he just wants to make some noise. Go Teabaggers!



