Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Kidneys are essential organs that filter the body fluids and clean waste from the system. Chronic kidney failure is the gradual loss of the filtering ability of the kidneys. When kidney function is impaired, fluid and waste can accumulate in the body. There may not be many symptoms in the early stages of kidney disease, so is often is not diagnosed in the early stages. Since kidneys filter out the wastes in the system, many of the symptoms are caused by the buildup of wastes and fluids in the body and bloodstream.

The early symptoms of kidney disease are general and non-specific, meaning there may be other causes of the symptoms, which Symptoms of kidney disease may include: high blood pressure, little or no urine output, urine that is dark in color, anemia, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, sudden change in weight, a general sense of discomfort, fatigue, weakness, headaches, sleep problems, decreased mental sharpness, muscle twitches, cramps, pain along side, pain in mid to lower back, swollen feet and ankles, blood or tarry stools, skin with a yellow-brown cast and persistent itching.

Changes in urinary habits can be a symptom of kidney disease. If you have to get up at night to urinate there could be a problem with the kidneys. Urinating either more often or less often than usual is change that could be a result of kidney disease. Urine itself may change and may be foamy, look bubbly or may contain blood.

The accumulation of fluids in the body may cause swelling, especially in the extremities (ankles and hands). People with kidney disease may have itching skin because the buildup of waste in the system can cause itching.

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Fatigue is problem that can be caused by kidney disease. Fatigue may be related to a hormone made by healthy kidneys, which make a hormone (erythropoietin). When kidneys fail they make less of the hormone, which can cause fatigue.

Uremia is the buildup of wastes in the blood system. Uremia can make food taste unpleasant and cause bad breath or ammonia breath. Severe uremia (buildup of waste in the blood) can cause nausea and vomiting, which may result in weight loss.

Shortness of breath can be related to kidney function in two ways. The buildup of fluids in the body can also cause fluid to accumulate in the lungs, decreasing lung function. Anemia (shortage of red blood cells which carry oxygen) can leave the body oxygen starved, causing shortness of breath. Anemia can also cause a person to feel cold all the time and can cause difficulty concentrating because of the lack of oxygen in the system.

People with polycystic disease may have pain in the leg or the back of the side as a result of cysts that form on the kidneys.

People with symptoms of kidney disease should see a doctor for a correct diagnoses and treatment. Information in this article is not intended as medical advice. If you have medical questions or concerns, please consult a physician.


Mayo Clinic Website

Life Options Medical Education Institute website

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