Symbolism Behind the Scarlet Letter, Meteor and Pearl in The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter has many different types of symbols. There is the meteor, scarlet letter, Pearl, scaffold, rosebush and many others. Almost anything in the story can be interpreted as a symbol, as long it brings some importance to the story. The scarlet letter, meteor and Pearl are the symbols that I believe are the most important.

The scarlet letter is the most important symbol in the story. The scarlet letter is the letter “A” on the chest of Hester Prynne. It is a physical reminder of the sin Hester has committed. At first it was intended to mean “adulterer”, but the townspeople gradually interpret it as “able”. The people soon realiz the influence of Hester’s good qualities. Hester starts to become a symbol of the town, and they tell strangers how Hester helps the poor and sick. Although Hester is no longer looked down upon by the townspeople, she continues to wear the scarlet letter, which serves as a reminder. It also gives a sense of sacredness and security. When Hester removes the scarlet letter in the forest, Pearl seems to be afraid to approach her mother, but once Hester returns it to its original position, Pearl has no hesitation. The scarlet letter’s significance is to act as a reminder for the sin Hester had committed. On page 37 ,Chapter 2, it states that “was that SCARLET LETTER…, it had the effect of a spell, taking her out of of the ordinary relations with humanity, and inclosing her in a sphere by herself.” This statement obviously points out what the scarlet letter does when it is imposed on someone.

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The meteor, which marks out an “A” in dull red light, is a symbol seen by everyone. To Dimmesdale, the meteor is trying to tell him to wear something similar to Hester’s scarlet letter. However, to the townspeople, they believe that the letter A stands for Angel. They believe the symbol is to show Governor Winthrop has left this world and has become an Angel. The meteor’s significance is that Dimmesdale is eventually motivated to express the truth to the townspeople. The meteor is a small step for Dimmesdale to build up the courage. On page 109, Chapter 12, it states that “For, as our good Governor Winthrop was made an angel this past night,..”. This statement proves that the meteor was a signal of Winthrop’s journey into heaven.

Pearl is an extremely playful child who is an important symbol in the story. However, she is a complicated symbol since she brings pain and happiness to Hester. Pearl is the result of a sin that was fueled by passion. Her existence is a living proof of Hester’s sexual encounter, but Pearl is also a blessing to Hester. Pearl also plays a role where she points out the meteor to Dimmesdale. The significance of Pearl is that because she exists, Hester continues to find renewed motivation to live on. Ironically, the result of Hester’s sin is what’s keeping her alive. On page 106, Chapter 12, it clearly states that “…and little Pearl, herself a symbol,…”. This statement obviously confirms that fact that Pearl is indeed a symbol and since she exists is proof enough of Hester’s sin.

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These three symbols all represent different aspects of the story. The scarlet letter, which is also the title of the book, is definitely the most important and therefore plays a large role. However, the other symbols all play equally important roles. By analyzing these symbols, it gives a much better understanding of what is happening in the scarlet letter.