Surf Fishing for Beginners

Are you planning a trip to the shore soon and are looking for a wanting a surf fishing for beginners guide? Well, let me help you out.

Surf fishing is indeed one of the most exciting, rewarding and relaxing sports there is.

There’s nothing like casting your line, getting that first bite and reeling the big one up on the beach to show off (and take that picture for bragging rights!) or take home and fry up.

If you’re interested in learning how to surf fish, then read on. Here’s a simple basic surf fishing for beginners guide to start you out.

Surf Fishing for Beginners – Step #1

Things you’ll need…

Here’s your basic “surf fishing for beginners” supply list:

Fishing License (most important)

Medium to heavy weight rod and reel

Bucket to hold your fish (*or and empty plastic jug and stringer)

Bait (ask locally what to use)

Hooks (what size depends on what fish your after)

Small light tackle box

Sunscreen, snacks and beach chair for relaxing while waiting on a bite

Surf Fishing for Beginners – Step #2

Find your spot…

Walk down to the waterline and look up and down the beach. You’ll see different areas where the water comes up really far on the beach before going back out and the areas in between. These areas are called points and bays. Fishing is best right on the edge of one of these points where the water rushes back out to sea creating a current that churns up bait particles for food.

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Another good place for surf fishing is fishing eddies (circular currents) created by rip tides or rock jetties. To find the eddies made by rock jetties look at the side the point of the jetty and see from which way the water comes toward it. The opposite side (the leeward side) is where you’ll find the fishing eddy. A rip current eddy is found on either side of the trough it makes perpendicular to the beach.

Surf Fishing for Beginners – Step #3

Casting out…

1) Set your reel holder in the sand.

2) Bait your hook.

3) Get your rod and start wading out to sea.

4) Go until you crest the first sandbar.

5) Point your rod toward where you want to cast.

6) Lift the rod until it is just about a 45 degree angle.

7) Point the tip of your rod back over your shoulder until it is basically parallel to the ground.

8) Now fling the tip forward stopping at the your beginning 45 degree angle while releasing your line with your finger about half way through the motion.

9) Wade back to shore.

10) Set your rod in your rod holder.

11) Open up a beer, sit back and wait on your first bite!

Surf Fishing for Beginners Warnings

You Can’t be too careful

When you’re wading, shuffle your feet to warn off sting rays. Believe me they hurt!

Sharks bite, even on land so if you catch one, be very careful getting out the hook.

Use sunscreen

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Always carry a packet knife. If you use wading boots and they get filled with water while you’re out in the surf, you can use the knife to cut yourself out.

Never turn your back on the waves!

Surf fishing is one of the most fun and exciting sports and can be learned by anyone. There’s very little money involved to get started and no fancy electronic gadgets are needed. Give it a try and you’ll see why so many people are “hooked” on surf fishing!